

Application of geothermal gradient in the study of thermal evolution of Paleozoic source rocks,Tarim Basin


塔里木盆地古生界烃源岩热史研究,特别是对超深古老烃源岩热演化认识存在较大争议,热演化阶段评价方法一直是困扰烃源岩热史研究的关键问题.调研结果表明,塔里木盆地寒武系古地温梯度变化在2.95~3.6 ℃/hm之间,按照生烃温度门槛值65℃计算,分别需要上覆地层厚度2 203~1 806 m,相差397 m,即2.58 ℃,温度差值较小.因此认为,塔里木盆地寒武系古地温梯度变化较小,可以忽略每期地温梯度取值上的差别,厚度可能是决定温度的主要因素;地层沉积与残留厚度可比较准确地获得,误差主要取决于剥蚀厚度的恢复.通过可靠获取的地层厚度、古地温梯度和剥蚀厚度等参数,以及烃源岩生烃图版,对塔里木盆地寒武系玉尔吐斯组烃源岩热演化阶段进行了评价;界定了关键期环满加尔坳陷的有效烃源岩及其分布,对玉尔吐斯组有效烃源岩及其规模生烃能力进行了预测和划分,并预测和划分了晚期成藏的有利区域.不同阶段有效烃源岩及其规模生烃量是每期成藏富集的关键,利用该方法避免了成熟度判识缺少可靠温标的问题,为塔里木盆地深层—特深层石油勘探和开发以及晚期成藏有利区的选择提供了重要的科学依据.

Considerable debate has arisen regarding studies of the thermal history of Paleozoic source rocks in the Tarim Basin,particularly regarding the thermal evolution of ultra-deep,ancient source rocks.The evaluation method for the thermal evolution stages has long been a key issue in the study of source rocks'thermal history.Research findings revealed that the Cambrian paleo-geothermal gradient in the Tarim Basin varies between 2.95 and 3.6 ℃/hm.Based on the hydrocarbon generation threshold temperature of 65 ℃,the required overlying strata thickness ranges from 2 203 to 1 806 m,with a difference of 397 m,equivalent to 2.58 ℃,showing a relatively small temperature difference.Thus,it is considered that the variation in the Cambrian paleo-geothermal gradient in the Tarim Basin is minimal,allowing the differences in geothermal gradient values for each period to be ignored,and that thickness may be the main determinant of temperature.The sedimentation and residual thickness of the strata can be accurately obtained,with the error mainly depending on the restoration of the denudation thickness.The thermal evolution stages of the Cambrian Yurtus Formation source rocks in the Tarim Basin were evaluated using reliably obtained parameters such as strata thickness,paleo-geothermal gradient,denudation thickness,and hydrocarbon generation charts of source rocks.With this assessment,the effective source rocks and their distribution in the key period of the Manjiaer Depression were delineated.Moreover,the effective source rocks of the Yurtus Formation,their large-scale hydrocarbon generation capacity,and the favorable areas for late-stage hydrocarbon accumulation were predicted and classified.The effective source rocks at different stages and their large-scale hydrocarbon generation potential are crucial for hydrocarbon accumulation in each period.This method avoids the issue of unreliable temperature scales in maturity identification,providing an important scientific basis for deep and ultra-deep oil exploration and development in the Tarim Basin and for selecting favorable areas for late-stage hydrocarbon accumulation.


中国石化西北油田分公司,乌鲁木齐 830011



geothermal gradientmaturityfavorable area predictioneffective source rockYurtus FormationCambrianTarim Basin

《石油实验地质》 2024 (003)

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