

Study on the Effect of Different Pollination Methods on the Seed Setting of Oily Tree Peony


为提高油用牡丹产量,探索油用牡丹理想授粉方式,选择结实性良好、生长势强且自然花期相遇的常见油用型牡丹品种,开展自交、人工授粉、自然授粉等不同方式的授粉试验,调查其坐果率、结实率、种子千粒重等结实情况和瞢葖果单角大小、质量等果荚干物质性状.结果表明,油用型牡丹存在一定自花结实性,自交处理Ⅰ没有结实,处理Ⅱ3个品种结实,处理Ⅲ全部结实,其中'凤丹白'结实最好,为每个果角0.54粒;将参试的牡丹品种进行4×4人工定向安全双列杂交,所有组合全部结实,平均坐果率高达92%,单果角结实率达到3.87粒,结实率最高的组合为'凤丹白×景泰蓝',单果角结实率达到6.96粒;田间自然授粉均有结实,'凤丹白'结实率最高,3.19粒/个;'景泰蓝'和'凤丹白'杂交的种子千粒重较高,达到436.89 g;蓇葖果果荚大小和质量与杂交母本关系较密切,以'景泰蓝'为母本时表现突出;通过不同授粉方式所对应的坐果率、结实率和复果荚重等指标综合分析,从高到低依次为:人工授粉>自然授粉>自交,母本是影响杂交成功率和果荚性状的重要因素;油用牡丹生产中可通过品种合理搭配间植、相互授粉,如'景泰蓝'和'凤丹白',获得更高种子产量.

In order to increase the yield of oil tree peony and explore the ideal pollination method for oil tree peony,the common oil tree pe-ony with good fruitiness,strong growth potential,and consistent natural flowering period were selected in the experiment.Different pollin-ation experiments were carried out such as selfing,artificial hybridization and natural pollination,the fruit setting rate,seed setting rate,the weight of a thousand seeds and other dry matter properties of fruit pods such as the size and quality of single pod of follicular fruit were in-vestigated in this study.The results showed that the oil tree peony had a certain self-fruitful,self-pollination in treatment I did not have seed setting,three varieties in treatment Ⅱ had seed setting,and all of hybrid combinations in treatment Ⅲ had seed setting,the seed setting of'Fengdanbai'was the best,0.54 grains per pod.The participating peony varieties were subjected to 4×4 artificial directional diallel hybridi-zation,all combinations had seed setting,and the average fruit setting rate was as high as 92%.the seed setting rate of single pod reached 3.87 grains.Besides,the combination with the highest seed setting rate was'Fengdanbai × Jingtailan',the seed setting rate of single pod re-ached 6.96 grains.The natural pollination in the field had seed setting,and the seed setting rate of'Fengdanbai'was the highest,3.19 grains per piece.The seeds of'Jingtailan'and'Fengdanbai'hybrid combinations had a higher 1,000 grains weight of 436.89 g.The size and quality of pods are closely related to the hybrid female parent,and the performance is outstanding when'Jingtailan'was the female parent.Compre-hensive analysis of the fruit setting rate,the seed setting rate,compound pod weight and other indicator data that corresponding to different pollination methods revealed,the order from high to low was:artificial pollination>natural pollination>self pollination.The female parent was an important factor affecting the success rate of hybridization and fruit pod traits.In the production of oil tree peony,higher seed yields can be achieved through reasonable intercropping and mutual pollination of varieties,such as'Jingtailan'and'Fengdanbai'.


洛阳市农林科学院,河南省牡丹基因开发工程技术中心,河南 洛阳 471023||中原学者工作站,河南 洛阳 471000洛阳市农林科学院,河南省牡丹基因开发工程技术中心,河南 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院/牡丹学院,河南 洛阳 471000||中原学者工作站,河南 洛阳 471000



oil tree peonyselfingartificial hybridizationnatural pollinationthe seed setting

《特产研究》 2024 (003)

64-71 / 8


