

Evolution of Structure Characteristics and Network Effects of Railway Passenger Transport Network in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle


分析成渝经济圈铁路客运网络的空间联系和结构特征演变对未来铁路网络建设和布局优化有着重要意义.基于46 863 617条铁路客运数据构建2015-2017年成渝经济圈铁路客运网络,采用GIS空间分析方法和网络分析方法对连续时序下铁路客运联系时空演变、网络结构特征演变以及网络结构对经济和人口的影响效应展开分析.结果表明,成渝经济圈铁路客运联系极化现象明显,客运流量主要集中在成都,其次是绵阳、重庆主城区和德阳,其余城市占据不到20%的客运流量;成渝经济圈铁路客运网络密度逐年上升,但仍处在较低水平;铁路客运网络具有较低的平均路径长度和较高的平均聚类系数,客运网路呈现小世界特性;成都和重庆主城区的度数中心性和中间中心性远超其余城市;成渝经济圈铁路客运的通达性很大程度上是由于成都和重庆主城区的中介作用,大多数城市之间不存在铁路客运联系;度数中心性、接近中心性和中间中心性对GDP的影响为正,且通过了 1%的显著性水平检验;度数中心性和中间中心性对人口的影响为负,分别通过了 5%、10%的显著性水平检验,处于中心地位的城市不利于人口常住.

The analysis of the spatial connection and structural characteristics evolution of the railway passenger transport network in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle is of great significance to the future network construction and layout optimization.This paper constructs the railway passenger transport network of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle based on the 46 863 617 railway passenger transport data,and uses GIS spatial analysis and social network analysis methods to analyze the space-time evolution of railway passenger transport links,the evolution of structure characteristics and the impact of network structure on economy and population in continuous time series.The results show that the polarization of railway passenger transport links in Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle is obvious,and the passenger transport flow is mainly concentrated in Chengdu,followed by Mianyang,the main districts of Chongqing and Deyang,and other cities account for less than 20%of the passenger transport flow.The density of railway passenger transport network in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle is increasing year by year,but it is still at a low level.The railway passenger transport network has a low average path length and a high average clustering coefficient,and it is characterized by a small world.The degree centrality and betweenness centrality of Chengdu and the main districts of Chongqing are far more than those of other cities.The accessibility of railway passenger transport in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle is largely due to the intermediary role of Chengdu and the main districts of Chongqing.There is no railway passenger transport connection between most cities.The degree centrality,proximity centrality and intermediate centrality have positive effects on GDP,and pass the 1%significance level test.The degree centrality and intermediate centrality have negative impacts on the population,and pass the significance level tests of 5%and 10%respectively.Cities in the central position are not conducive to the permanent residence of the population.


西南交通大学经济管理学院,成都 610031||综合交通大数据应用技术国家工程实验室,成都 610031||服务科学与创新四川省重点实验室,成都 610031中国民用航空飞行学院民航飞行技术与飞行安全重点实验室,四川广汉 618307||中国科学院成都计算机应用研究所,成都 610029



railway passenger transport networkevolution of structural characteristicsnetwork effectsGIS spatial analysissocial network analysis

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (006)

12-19,30 / 9


