

Research of Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao High-speed Railway Based on Engineering Speed Limit and Terminal Station Layout


高速铁路速度目标值对线路走向、工程投资、运营效果等影响较大.随着600 km/h磁浮列车下线、成渝中线高铁400 km/h标准的研究和推进,我国高铁技术正向集成化和高速化方向进一步发展.更高速度等级的高铁对线路平顺性、动车组加减速性能、列控系统等提出了更高的要求.但与此同时,高速铁路大多引入发达城市主城区,受建构筑物及拆迁、站间距等工程控制,采用大曲线半径和较高速度目标值工程投资过大,且实际运营亦无法达速.广珠澳高速铁路是粤港澳大湾区内珠江东岸南北向重要的高铁通道,北端广州北至白云机场段距离仅为17.7 km,建构筑物林立;南端珠海鹤洲至横琴段距离仅为22.3 km,且横琴站为线路尽端式车站,所有列车均需在横琴站起停车.功能定位的重要性与工程条件的局限性相互矛盾,需合理确定其速度目标值.首先,结合400 km/h高铁创新发展技术分析得出,广珠澳高铁通道若采用400 km/h方案较350 km/h方案旅行时间仅节省2 min,工程投资需增加13.2亿元,路网协调匹配性差且存在技术风险;其次,从路网协调匹配性、工程投资、运营效果、客流影响、经济效益等方面对广珠澳高铁采用250,300,350 km/h三个速度目标值方案进行比选,得出广珠澳高铁通道宜采用350 km/h速度目标值方案;进而,根据工程条件并结合列车模拟牵引计算,分别研究得出广州北至白云机场段宜采用梯级限速200 km/h方案、鹤洲至横琴段宜采用350 km/h方案,由于所有列车均需在横琴站起停车,横琴进站端可采用小曲线半径改善线路引入条件、节省工程投资.研究结论有力地支撑了广珠澳高铁选择更合理的建设方案,同时为其他类似项目提供了思路和借鉴.

The target value of high-speed railway speed has great influence on track direction,project investment and operation effect.With the research and promotion of 600 km/h maglev train rolling off the line and 400 km/h high speed railway standard from Chengdu to Chongqing,Chinese high speed railway technology is developing towards integration and high-speed direction.The higher speed grade of high-speed rail puts forward higher requirements for line smoothness,acceleration and deceleration performances of the train,and train control system etc.However,many high-speed railways are introduced into the main urban areas of developed cities,which are controlled by construction structures,demolition,station spacing and other projects.The project with large curve radius and high speed target value need more investment,the actual operation also cannot reach the target speed.The high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Zhuhai to Macao is an important north-south high-speed railway connecting the east bank of the Pearl River in the Greater Bay Area.Guangzhou North Station to Baiyun Airport Station is only 17.7 km,but with many numerous constructions.The distance from Hezhou to Hengqin is only 22.3 km,and Hengqin Station is the end of the line,so all trains must start and stop at Hengqin Station.The importance of function localization is contradictory with the limitation of engineering conditions,so the speed target value should be determined reasonably.Firstly,based on the analysis of the innovative development technology of 400 km/h high-speed railway,it is concluded that the travel time of Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao high-speed railway corridor using 400 km/h scheme is only save 2 min than 350 km/h scheme,the project investment needs to increase 1.32 billion yuan,the coordination and matching of the road network is poor,and also exist technical risks.Secondly,from the aspects of road network coordination and matching,project investment,operation effect,passenger flow impact,economic benefits etc,the Guangzhou to Zhuhai to Macao high-speed railway adopts three speed target value schemes of 250 km/h,300 km/h and 350 km/h.It is concluded the Guangzhou to Zhuhai to Macao high-speed railway should adopt 350 km/h speed target value scheme.Then,according to the engineering conditions and train simulation traction calculation,it is concluded the step speed limit scheme of 200 km/h should be adopted for the section from Guangzhou North to Baiyun Airport,and the scheme of 350 km/h should be adopted for the section from Hezhou to Hengqin.Since all trains need to start and stop at Hengqin Station,a small curve radius can be adopted for the inbound end of Hengqin Station to improve the introduction conditions of the line and save the project investment.The conclusion of this study strongly supports the selection of a more reasonable construction scheme for the high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Zhuhai to Macao,and also provides ideas and references for other similar projects.


轨道交通工程信息化国家重点实验室(中铁一院),西安 710043||陕西省铁道及地下交通工程重点实验室(中铁一院),西安 710043



high-speed railwayspeed target valueengineering speed limitterminal stationV-S curvestep speed limitengineering setup

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (006)

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