Bolt-Layout-Influence Study on Tensile Performance of Glulam Timber Bolted Connection with Slotted Steel Plate
多螺栓—钢插板连接是应用较为广泛的胶合木结构节点连接方式.依据螺栓数目、排列方式、螺栓直径、木材厚度4个影响因素将试件分为了 12组(每组6个)进行受拉试验,得到了各试件的破坏模式以及初始刚度、屈服荷载、峰值荷载和延性系数等参数,试验结果表明在木材厚度和螺栓直径相同的条件下,破坏现象随着螺栓数量增加,破坏模式的变化规律比较相近,木材的左右侧面产生不同程度的劈裂裂缝,裂缝从顶部延伸至最后一行螺栓以下.对比力学性能,随着螺栓数量的增加,试件的初始刚度、屈服荷载和峰值荷载均增加,而延性会发生减小.最后以螺栓直径与数量为自变量对多螺栓—钢插板连接节点初始刚度和峰值荷载的公式进行了拟合,结果与试验数据有良好的一致性.
This paper introduces a novel node connection method in wooden structures known as the multi-bolt steel insert plate connection.It categorizes specimens into 12 groups,each containing six specimens,for tensile testing,with four influencing factors,i.e.,bolt number,arrangement,bolt diameter,and base material thickness considered.The parameters obtained include failure modes,initial stiffness,yield load,peak load,and ductility coefficient.The test results reveal that,under the same conditions of consistent wood thickness and bolt diameter,damage occurrence increases with the number of bolts,and the failure mode exhibits a similar pattern.Splitting cracks of different degrees emerge on the left and right sides of the wood,extending from the top to below the last row of bolts.In terms of mechanical properties,an increase in the number of bolts corresponds to higher initial stiffness,yield load,and peak load,accompanied by a decrease in ductility.Ultimately,formulas for the initial stiffness and peak load of multi-bolt steel insert plate connection nodes are derived,utilizing bolt diameter and quantity as independent variables.These formulas align closely with the experimental data,validating their accuracy.
郑州大学土木工程学院,河南郑州 450001郑州大学土木工程学院,河南郑州 450001台州学院建筑工程学院,浙江台州 318000河海大学水灾害防御全国重点实验室,江苏南京 210024
glulam timbertensile connectionbolt layoutexperimental studyfitted formula
《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (5)