

Preparation and Optical Properties of Sol-Gel SiO2 Antireflective Films


碱催化溶胶-凝胶多孔SiO2减反膜具有优异的光学性能及抗激光损伤性能,是高功率激光装置中的重要组成部分,但其与光学元件之间的结合强度低,使得膜层易发生接触破坏.本研究以"神光Ⅱ"高功率激光装置溶胶-凝胶多孔 SiO2减反膜为基础,通过提拉法在其表层涂覆致密的SiO2薄层后得到机械强度提升的双层SiO2减反膜(SiO2-MTES),并与常用的单层氨固化SiO2减反膜(SiO2-HMDS)进行相关应用性能的综合比较.结果表明,涂覆SiO2-MTES的熔石英在约800 nm处的峰值透过率大于99.6%,运用1-on-1激光损伤阈值测试方法测得该双层SiO2减反膜的零几率激光损伤阈值为51.9 J/cm2(1064 nm,9.1 ns),与涂覆SiO2-HMDS的性能相当.同时,SiO2-MTES膜层与水的接触角达到117.3°,且在相对湿度大于90%的高湿环境中膜层的透过率较稳定.多次擦拭实验结果表明SiO2-MTES的耐摩擦机械强度明显优于SiO2-HMDS,有效提升了膜层与光学元件之间的结合强度.

Base-catalyzed sol-gel porous SiO2 antireflective film,an important part of high power laser(such as"Shenguang Ⅱ"high power laser)facilities,has excellent optical properties and laser damage resistance.However,its low binding strength with optical components can lead to the film frustrated with contact destruction.Based on this antireflective film,a double-layer SiO2 antireflective film(SiO2-MTES)was prepared with improved mechanical strength by coating a thin dense SiO2 film on its surface using dip coating method.Then the SiO2-MTES was compared with a commonly used single-layer ammonia cured SiO2 antireflective film(SiO2-HMDS).Results indicate that the peak transmittance of the fused quartz substrate coated with SiO2-MTES reaches greater than 99.6%at about 800 nm and the zero probability laser damage threshold is measured to be 51.9 J/cm2(1064 nm,9.1 ns)by 1-on-1 laser induced damage threshold testing method,equivalent to the performances of the fused quartz substrate with SiO2-HMDS.Meanwhile,the contact angle between SiO2-MTES and water reaches 117.3°,and the transmittance stability of the SiO2-MTES is good in the high humidity environment with relative humidity greater than 90%.Results of multi-wiping experiments show that the friction-resistant mechanical strength of SiO2-MTES is significantly better than that of SiO2-HMDS,which effectively improves the binding strength between the film and the optical components.


中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,高功率激光物理重点实验室,上海 201800||中国科学院大学材料与光电研究中心,北京 100049中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,高功率激光物理重点实验室,上海 201800



Sol-Gelantireflective filmSiO2mechanical strength

《无机材料学报》 2024 (005)


525-530 / 6

国家自然科学基金(12074399);中国科学院战略性先导科技专项A类(XDA25020305)National Natural Science Foundation of China(12074399);Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA25020305)

