首页|期刊导航|纳微快报(英文)|On-Chip Micro Temperature Controllers Based on Freestanding Thermoelectric Nano Films for Low-Power Electronics

On-Chip Micro Temperature Controllers Based on Freestanding Thermoelectric Nano Films for Low-Power ElectronicsOACSTPCDEI

On-Chip Micro Temperature Controllers Based on Freestanding Thermoelectric Nano Films for Low-Power Electronics


Multidimensional integration and multifunctional com-ponent assembly have been greatly explored in recent years to extend Moore's Law of modern microelectronics.However,this inevitably exac-erbates the inhomogeneity of temperature distribution in microsystems,making precise temperature control for electronic components extremely challenging.Herein,we report an on-chip micro temperature controller including a pair of thermoelectric legs with a total area of 50 ×50 μm2,which are fabricated from dense and flat freestanding Bi2Te3-based ther-moelectric nano films deposited on a newly developed nano graphene oxide membrane substrate.Its tunable equivalent thermal resistance is controlled by electrical currents to achieve energy-efficient temperature control for low-power electronics.A large cooling temperature difference of 44.5 K at 380 K is achieved with a power consumption of only 445 μW,resulting in an ultrahigh temperature control capability over 100 K mW-1.Moreover,an ultra-fast cooling rate exceeding 2000 K s-1 and excellent reliability of up to 1 million cycles are observed.Our proposed on-chip temperature controller is expected to enable further miniaturization and multifunctional integration on a single chip for microelectronics.

Qun Jin;Tianxiao Guo;Nicolás Pérez;Nianjun Yang;Xin Jiang;Kornelius Nielsch;Heiko Reith

Institute for Metallic Materials,Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research,01069 Dresden,GermanyInstitute of Materials Engineering,University of Siegen,57076 Siegen,GermanyInstitute for Metallic Materials,Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research,01069 Dresden,Germany||Institute of Applied Physics,Technical University of Dresden,01069 Dresden,Germany||Institute of Materials Science,Technical University of Dresden,01069 Dresden,Germany

Temperature controlLow-power electronicsOn-chip micro temperature controllerFreestanding thermoelectric nano filmsTemperature-sensitive components

《纳微快报(英文)》 2024 (007)

98-108 / 11

The authors thank D.Berger,D.Hofmann and C.Kupka in IFW Dresden for helpful technical support.H.R.acknowledges funding from the DFG(Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft)within grant number RE3973/1-1.Q.J.,H.R.and K.N.conceived the work.With the support from N.Y.and X.J.,Q.J.and T.G.fabricated the thermoelectric films and conducted the struc-tural and compositional characterizations.Q.J.prepared microchips and fabricated the on-chip micro temperature controllers.Q.J.and N.P.carried out the temperature-dependent material and device performance measurements.Q.J.and H.R.performed the simu-lation and analytical calculations.Q.J.,H.R.and K.N.wrote the manuscript with input from the other coauthors.All the authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.

