

Self-thinning Boundary Line and Influencing Factors of Oak Natural Forest in Hunan Province


为确定湖南栎类天然林自稀疏边界线的最优统计方法以及影响栎类自稀疏的主要因素,以湖南省225块栎类天然林长期监测样地为研究对象,运用最小二乘法、分位数回归法和随机前沿方法拟合栎类天然林自稀疏边界线,采用现实林分死亡率对3种统计方法进行比较与验证,依据自稀疏边界线对现实林分的自稀疏状态进行判别,并对未稀疏和已稀疏样地的立地因素和森林结构因素进行方差分析.结果表明,基于分位数回归方法(分位数值等于0.95)拟合的 自稀疏边界线更加接近于栎类天然林的最大密度临界值,其拟合效果优于最小二乘法和随机前沿方法;栎类自稀疏边界线的斜率为-1.063,截距为10.232;海拔、坡度、Pielous指数和高径比是影响栎类天然林自稀疏速率和起始时间的显著因素.构建的自稀疏边界线可以准确反映栎类天然林最大密度与林分平均直径的异速生长关系,可以为湖南栎类天然林生长演替和森林抚育研究提供参考.

Self-thinning boundary line(STBL)is a curve that reflects the relationship between the maxi-mum density and factors such as the diameter at breast height and volume of the forest stand,and it is an important basis to reflect the law of stand growth and succession.In order to determine the optimal statis-tical method of STBL of oak natural forest and the main affecting factors,225 long-term monitoring sample plots of oak natural forest occurring in Hunan Province were used as research objects in the paper.The least square method,quantile regression method and random frontier method were used to fit the STBL of oak natural forest.The real stand mortality rate was used to compare and verify the three statistical meth-ods.The self-thinning state of the real stand was distinguished according to the STBL,and the site factors and forest structure factors of unsparse and sparse sample plots were analyzed.The results showed that the self-thinning curve based on quantile regression method was closer to the maximum density critical value of oak natural forest,and its fitting effect was better than those of least square method and stochastic frontier method,and the slope of oak STBL was-1.063 and the intercept was 10.232.Altitude,slope,Pielous in-dex and height-diameter ratio were significant factors affecting the self-thinning rate and starting time of oak natural forest.The STBL constructed in the paper can accurately reflect the allometric growth relation-ship between the maximum density and the average diameter of oak natural forest,and can provide a refer-ence for the study of growth succession and forest tending of oak natural forest.


国家林业和草原局中南调查规划院,湖南长沙 410014中南林业科技大学,湖南长沙 410004中南林业科技大学,湖南长沙 410004



forest self-thinning boundary linequantile regressionstochastic frontiersite qualityoak natural forest

《西北林学院学报》 2024 (3)



