

Molecular Characterization of GI.1a Subtype Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus in an Intensive Rabbit Farm in Shandong Province


2023 年 10 月,山东省某规模化兔场(存栏 2 000 只母兔)免疫过兔出血症(RHD)疫苗的经产母兔出现精神不振、体温升高、猝死等情况.为查明发病原因,采集 4 只病死兔组织进行细菌分离培养和病原核酸检测,并对检出的 1 份阳性样品(命名为S1001)进行了兔出血症病毒(RHDV)分型鉴定及遗传进化分析.结果显示:未分离到细菌,4 份病料均为RHDV阳性;经测序S1001 属于RHDV GI.1a基因型,其p16、p23、p29、VP10 基因均属于GI.1a分支;与疫苗株(NJ株)相比,VP60 基因的核苷酸同源性为 95.9%,p16、p23、p29、VP10 等蛋白分别存在 9、18、11、2 处氨基酸变化.蛋白结构预测结果显示,S1001 VP60 蛋白的N端片层结构区变化明显,与参考株结构相似性为93%,TM-score为0.59(越接近于1,结构越相似).结果说明:该兔场存在RHDV感染,感染的RHDV与疫苗株相比存在较多分子差异,蛋白构象变化有可能导致VP60蛋白抗原性发生变化.建议持续加强RHDV的遗传变异监测,及时掌握病毒变异情况,以期为新型疫苗研发奠定基础.

In October 2023,female rabbits vaccinated with rabbit haemorrhagic disease(RHD)vaccine in an intensive rabbit farm(with a stock of 2 000 female rabbits)in Shandong Province suffered from dysphoria,increasing body temperature and sudden death.In order to find out all causes leading to the disease,tissues from 4 dead rabbits were collected for bacterial isolation and nucleic acid detecting,and rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)isolated from one positive sample(named as S1001)was genotyped and analyzed for genetic evolution.The results showed that no bacteria was isolated,and all the 4 samples were positive for RHDV;S1001 fell into RHDV GI.1a genotype,and its p16,p23,p29 and VP10 genes all belonged to GI.1a branch;compared to the vaccine strain(NJ strain),the nucleotide homology of VP60 gene was 95.9%,and 9,8,11 and 2 amino acid mutations were respectively present in p16,p23,p29 and VP10 protein.The results of protein structure prediction showed that N-terminal lamellar structural region of S1001 VP60 protein obviously changed,its structure was 93%similarity to that of the reference strain,and TM-score was 0.59(the closer to 1 it was,the more similar its structure became).In conclusion,RHDV infection was available in the farm,more molecular differences were observed in the infected RHDV compared to the vaccine strain,and VP60 protein antigenicity might be changed by protein conformational changes.Therefore,genetic variation of RHDV should be continuously monitored to timely know any variation,with a view to laying a foundation for the development of a novel vaccine.


潍坊市动物疫病预防控制中心,山东潍坊 261061山东省农业科学院家禽研究所,山东济南 250100



RHDVGI.1amolecular characteristic

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (005)

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