

Response of Maize Growth and Yield with Different Nitrogen Application Rates to Intercropped Leguminous Green Manure


[目的]明确不同施氮量下玉米生长及产量对间作豆科绿肥的响应,为构建干旱灌区基于绿肥的玉米氮肥节约型生产模式提供依据.[方法]采用裂区试验设计,主区设玉米间作箭筈豌豆(M||V)和单作玉米(SM)2种种植模式,副区设5个施氮水平:地方推荐施氮量N360(360 kg·hm-2)、减量25%施氮N270(270 kg·hm-2)、减量50%施氮N180(180 kg·hm-2)、减量75%施氮 N90(90 kg·hm-2)、不施氮 N0.对玉米叶面积指数(LAI)、叶日积(LAD)、光能利用率、干物质积累量及产量进行了相关研究.[结果]间作绿肥能够提高减量施氮(N270、N180、N90、N0)条件下玉米出苗后75-150 d的LAI,并增加其全生育期LAD和光能利用率.在N270、N180、N90、N0下,M||V较SM玉米75-150 d LAI、全生育期总LAD、光能利用率平均显著提高了 9.8%、8.2%、4.6%.在M||V中,N270 与N360 的玉米出苗后 75-150 d LAI、全生育期总LAD、光能利用率之间没有显著差异,而显著高于其他施氮水平;在SM中,玉米出苗后75-150 d的LAI、全生育期总LAD、光能利用率随施氮量的减少而降低.间作绿肥显著提高了N270、N180、N90、N0条件下玉米出苗后90-150 d的干物质积累量,在同一氮肥减量条件(N270、N180、N90、N0)下,M||V 较SM的玉米干物质积累量平均显著提高了 4.6%.在玉米出苗后 75-130 d,M||V较SM的玉米群体生长率显著提高了 5.9%.M||V较同一减量施氮(N270、N180、N90、N0)条件下的SM玉米籽粒产量平均显著提高了8.5%.在M||V中,N270的籽粒产量显著高于N360.M||V较SM玉米穗粒数和千粒重分别平均显著提高6.0%和6.3%.拟合曲线结果表明,间作绿肥可以使玉米在施氮量261.4 kg·hm-2 时获得最高产量14 876.4 kg·hm-2,而单作玉米获得最高产量14 012.5 kg·hm-2 时的最佳施氮量为348.6 kg·hm-2.减量施氮对绿肥鲜草产量和绿肥氮素积累量的影响显著,M||V N270较M||V N360、M||V N90、M||V N0的绿肥鲜草产量分别显著高了3.8%、4.6%、9.7%,较M||VN90 和M||VN0之间的绿肥氮素积累量显著高了5.3%和 11.9%.间作绿肥主要通过提高玉米的干物质积累总量,进而增加减量施氮条件下玉米的穗粒数和千粒重,从而使间作玉米在氮肥减量下能够获得较高水平的籽粒产量.[结论]间作豆科绿肥可使氮肥减量 25%的玉米获得高于地方推荐施氮量单作玉米的产量水平,可作为试区以及相似生态区域玉米化学氮肥减量的推荐生产模式.

[Objective]This study aimed to clarify the response of maize growth and yield with different nitrogen application rates to intercropped green manure,so as to provide the basis for establishing maize production pattern with nitrogen fertilizer saving via green manure in arid irrigation area.[Method]A split plot experiment design was adopted,and two planting patterns of maize intercropping with common vetch(MV)and sole maize(SM)were set up in the main plot.Five nitrogen application rates were set up in the split plot:the recommended nitrogen application rates were N360:360 kg N·hm-2,application rates reduced with 25%(N270):270 kg N·hm-2,and that reduced with 50%(N180):180 kg N·hm-2,reduced with 75%(N90):90 kg N·hm-2,and no nitrogen application(N0).Leaf area index(LAI),daily leaf volume(LAD),light energy utilization rate,dry matter accumulation and yield of maize were investigated.[Result]In 75-150 days after maize emergence,the LAI,total LAD and light use efficiency of maize with reduced nitrogen application rate(N270,N180,N90,N0)were increased by intercropped green manure.The maize LAI,total LAD and light use efficiency under M||V with N270,N180,N90,and N0 were significantly increased by 9.8%,8.2%and 4.6%than that under SM,respectively.The maize LAI,total LAD and light use efficiency under M||V with N270 was not different with that with N360,in 75-150 days after maize emergence,and which was greater than that of other treatments.Somehow,the maize LAI,total LAD and light use efficiency of SM was decreased with reduced nitrogen application rate.The dry matter accumulation of maize under N270,N180,N90,and N0 was significantly increased by intercropped with green manure than that of sole maize,in 90-150 d days after maize emergence,which was increased by 4.6%.In 75-130 days after maize emergence,the growth rate of maize under M||V was significantly increased by 5.9%compared that with SM.With the same reduced nitrogen application rate(N270,N180,N90,and N0),the maize grain yield under M||V was significantly increased by 8.5%than that under SM.The grain yield of intercropped maize under N270 was significantly higher than that of sole maize under N360.Compared with SM,the kernel number per ear and 1000-grain weight of maize under M||V were significantly increased by 6.0%and 6.3%,respectively.The results of the fitting curve showed that the greatest grain yield of maize intercropped with green manure was 14 876.4 kg·hm-2 with nitrogen application rate 261.4 kg·hm-2.While the greatest grain yield of sole maize was 14 012.5 kg·hm-2 with nitrogen application rate of 348.6 kg·hm-2.The effect of reducing nitrogen application on the fresh yield and nitrogen accumulation of green manure was significant.The fresh yield of green manure under M||VN270 was significantly higher than that under M||VN360,M||VN90 and M||VN0 by 3.8%,4.6%,and 9.7%,respectively,while the nitrogen accumulation with M||VN 270 was significantly higher than that with M||VN90 and M||VN0 by 5.3%and 11.9%,respectively.The total dry matter accumulation of maize with reduced nitrogen applied rate was increased by intercropped green manure,and then the number of grains per ear and thousand grains weight of maize was increased.Therefore,the intercropped maize could obtain a greater level of grain yield with the condition of reduced nitrogen application rate.[Conclusion]The treatment of 25%reduced nitrogen rate with intercropped green manure could make maize obtain higher yield than sole maize with the recommended nitrogen application rate.This pattern could be used as a recommended production method for chemical nitrogen fertilizer reduced application of maize in the research region and even similar ecological region.


甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070


green manure intercroppingnitrogen reduced application rateyieldlight use efficiencymaizecommon vetch

《中国农业科学》 2024 (10)




