

Reenchantment and Hidden Worries:The Shape of Human-Machine Integrated Intelligence on Democratic Politics



The development of democratic political modernization benefits from the support and breakthrough of science and technology.While human-machine integrated intelligence achieves technical reenchantment,there are still technical worries.Enabling and worrying have become two forms of integrated intelligence shaping democratic politics.In the subject dimension,human-ma-chine integrated intelligence follows the people-oriented value concept.Preserving democratic eth-ics,consolidating the power of the subject and giving play to the value of the subject are the mani-festations of the agent to maintain the democratic subject.At the same time,it has the risk of disin-tegrating the democratic subject,such as stripping the subject personality and eroding the subject status.In the emotional dimension,human-machine integrated intelligence operates according to the mechanism of interweaving rationality and sense.Humanized emotional function helps to identify people's feelings and opinions,guide democratic emotions,maintain democracy and the rule of law,and realize the heating up of democratic emotions.The emotional interaction has the danger of ma-terializing and weakening the democratic emotion.In the practical dimension,human-machine inte-grated intelligence complies with the practical concept of consultation and consensus.Integrated in-telligence constitutes a new democratic practice field and provides group intelligence for democratic consultation.Human-machine integration has the possibility of replacing democratic practice process and generating democratic gap.


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human-machine integrated intelligencedemocratic politicsintelligent democracy

《中共天津市委党校学报》 2024 (003)

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