How Does the Grass-Roots Formalism Dilemma Occur and Be Corrected?
The grassroots is the terminal of serving the public and policy implementation,but cur-rently caught in a formalist dilemma.Grass-roots formalism is closely related to ambiguity and con-flict in policy implementation.Different degrees of ambiguity and conflict and their combinations correspond to different policy implementation paradigms,behind which are different dominant fac-tors reflecting different formalist representations.In the implementation of the policy of contracted services for family doctors,"administrative implementation"has led to formalism of weak response due to resource constraints,"political implementation"has led to the formalism of benchmarking due to power constraints,"experimental implementation"has led to the formalism of confused ex-ploration due to information constraints,and"symbolic implementation"has led to the formalism of reciprocal collusion due to integrative constraints.The root of the problem lies in the lack of sup-port for"grass-roots resources"in a rigid hierarchical system,the rigidity of"superior power"in a high degree of conflict,the driving force of"grass-roots situations"in a high degree of ambiguity,and the inappropriate acquiescence of"local co-operation"in a high degree of ambiguous conflict.In order to correct grass-roots formalism,we should strengthen grass-roots resources and adapt a more pragmatic section operation,adjust superior power and implement low-conflict incentives and con-straints,analyze the grass-roots situation and cultivate a low-ambiguity grass-roots space,regulate local co-operation and build a clear and synergistic grass-roots ecology.
燕山大学公共管理学院,河北秦皇岛 066004||河北省高校人文社科重点研究基地——燕山大学县域振兴发展政策研究中心,河北秦皇岛 066004燕山大学公共管理学院,河北秦皇岛 066004
grass-roots formalismambiguityconflictpolicy implementation
《中共天津市委党校学报》 2024 (003)
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