

Associations between puberty timing and cardiovascular metabolic risk factors among primary and secondary students


目的:探索北京市中小学生青春发动时相与心血管代谢危险因素的相关性及存在的性别差异.方法:分层整群抽取3 067名来自北京市房山区16所中小学校的学生,对其进行问卷调查、体格检查和血清实验室检测,采用多分类多因素Logistic回归模型分析中小学生青春发动时相与心血管代谢危险因素的相关性.结果:男生青春发动时相提前和延迟检出率分别为14.73%和9.46%,女生为12.89%和10.99%.学生中心性肥胖、高血压、高血糖和血脂异常检出率分别为35.87%、19.95%、2.54%和26.31%,心血管代谢危险因素聚集1项、2项和3项及以上的检出率分别为29.21%、16.17%和9.36%.调整学段、地区、出生体质量、喂养方式、是否独生子女、父母最高文化程度和家庭月收入后,相较于青春发动适时组,青春发动提前组女生发生1个危险因素聚集、2个危险因素聚集和3个及以上危险因素聚集的风险分别提高1.94倍(95%CI=1.29~2.91)、2.97倍(95%CI=1.89~4.67)和2.02倍(95%CI=1.13~3.63);男生青春发动时相与心血管代谢危险因素聚集的相关性无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:青春发动时相提前是女生心血管代谢危险因素聚集的独立危险因素,应实施一级预防策略以减轻人群心血管代谢疾病负担.

Objective:To explore the relationship between puberty timing and cardiovascular metabolic risk factors among primary and secondary students with different genders in Beijing.Methods:Using the method of stratified cluster sampling by urban and rural areas and school sections,3 067 students from 16 primary and secondary schools in Fangshan District of Beijing were selected in October 2012,with ques-tionnaire survey,physical examination and serum laboratory testing.In this study,we controlled for con-founding factors such as school segments,current residence of the family,birth weight,feeding method,only child,highest educational level of parents,and monthly family income,and then the associations between cardiovascular metabolic risk factors and puberty timing among the primary and secondary students was analyzed by multivariate Logistic analysis.To ensure the reliability of the data,this study adopted strict quality control.Results:A total of 3 067 primary and middle school students aged 7 to 16 years were included in this study,including 1 575 boys and 1 492 girls.The prevalence of premature pu-berty was 14.73%among the boys and 12.89%among the girls,respectively.The prevalence of delayed puberty was 9.49%among the boys and 10.99%among the girls,respectively.The detection rates of central obesity,hypertension,hyperglycemia,and dyslipidemia among the primary and secondary students were 35.87%,19.95%,2.54%and 26.31%,respectively.The detection rates of 1 risk fac-tor clustering,2 risk factors clustering and more than 3 risk factors clustering were 29.21%,16.17%and 9.36%,respectively.The difference in the detection rate of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors in different youth stages was insignificant(P>0.05),the detection rate of risk factor aggregation of 0 was lower than that of the timely group and delayed group,and the detection rate of risk factors aggrega-tion of 2 was higher than that of the timely group(P<0.05).After adjusting the effects of learning stage,region,birth weight,feeding patterns,one-child,family income and the parents'educational levels,multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that,compared with the on-time puberty group,the risk of 1 risk factor clustering,2 risk factors clustering and more than 3 risk factors clustering increased by 1.94 times(95%CI=1.29-2.91),2.97 times(95%CI=1.89-4.67)and 2.02 times(95%CI=1.13-3.63)among the girls;It had not been found that the relationship between puberty timing and car-diovascular risk factor clustering among the boys(P>0.05).Conclusion:Premature puberty is an inde-pendent risk factor for the clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors in girls,and primary prevention strate-gies should be implemented to reduce the burden of cardiovascular metabolic diseases in the population.


北京大学公共卫生学院,北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所,北京 100191



Cardiovascular metabolic risk factorsPuberty timingPrimary and secondary students

《北京大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (003)

418-423 / 6

卫生公益性行业科研专项(201202010)Supported by the Specific Research Project of Health Pro Bono Secters,Ministry of Health,China(201202010)

