

Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Integrating Feature Coding and Phrase Interaction Perception



Implicit discourse relation recognition is a challenging task because of its difficulty and universality.From the perspective of argument coding and argument interaction,an implicit discourse relation recognition model integrating feature coding and phrase interaction perception is proposed.The model considers both the characteristics of argument it-self and the interaction characteristics between arguments,and optimizes separately.The part of argument coding incorpo-rates bidirectional long short-term memory(BiLSTM)and recurrent attention convolution neural network(RACNN),which can capture global and local features of arguments in a more comprehensive way;in the part of argument interaction,the se-mantic relationship between arguments is modeled from phrase level,and a mechanism of phrase-level interactive attention is constructed.Also,neural tensor network(NTN)is used to dig into the relational pattern,which can better reflect the po-tential deeper relational relationship between arguments.Experimental results on penn discourse treebank(PDTB)dataset show that the F1 values of this model are superior to other comparison models.


中央财经大学信息学院,北京 102206||国家金融安全教育部工程研究中心,北京 102206中央财经大学信息学院,北京 102206



implicit discourse relation recognitionbidirectional long short-term memoryrecurrent attention convo-lution neural networkphrase-level interactive attentionneural tensor network

《电子学报》 2024 (4)


教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(No.22JZD011)中央财经大学新兴交叉学科建设项目 Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research,Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China(No.22JZD011)Emerging Interdisciplinary Project of CUFE

