

Evaluation of flexibility enhancement benefits for the new power system



The refined evaluation of flexibility resources under different permeability of wind power and photovoltaics contribute to clarifying the key phased tasks of the new power system flexibility enhancement.Based on the multi-time scale time chronological operation simulation model,the cost composition of power system flexibility enhancement was refined,and the new energy consumption promotion effect and system operating cost difference of a single flexible resource were quantitatively evaluated at different stages of new power system construction.The results show that the flexible transformation of coal power and pumped storage are more prominent in terms of economy and new energy consumption,respectively under low permeability of wind power and photovoltaics,at the present stage.In the future,under high wind power and photovoltaic permeability,the flexible transformation of coal power gradually loses its cost advantage,and the regulating efficiency and economy of gas power are better reflected,electrochemical energy storage and pumped storage have the best benefit for improving new power system flexibility.Therefore,at the present stage,the focus of the power system flexibility enhancement is the flexible transformation of coal power and pumped storage deployment,to promote the large-scale deployment of energy storage while using the gas power as transitional resources.


华北电力大学经济与管理学院,北京 102206中国电力科学研究院有限公司电力系统碳中和研究中心,北京 100192华北电力大学(保定)经济管理系,保定 071003


New power systemFlexibilityMulti-time scalesPower system flexibility enhancement benefits

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (003)

316-326 / 11


