

Effects of Straw and Biochar on Runoff,Sediment Yield and Nitrogen Loss in Sloping Farmland of Purple Soil


[目的]探究不同添加量的秸秆和生物炭对紫色土坡耕地的具体改良效果,从而为合理防治三峡库区水土流失提供理论参考.[方法]采用人工模拟降雨的方法,以裸坡为对照,研究了紫色土中添加水稻秸秆(施用量4,7,10 t/hm2)和生物炭(含量13,39,65 t/hm2)对紫色土坡耕地产流产沙与氮素流失的影响.[结果](1)高强度降雨条件下,紫色土混掺生物炭加快了坡面产流进程,而施加碎混秸秆能延长起始产流时间、削减产流速率;(2)紫色土添加生物炭后累积产沙量较对照增加了 0.64%~66.29%,而施加碎混秸秆后减少了 42.58%~70.27%,且施加碎混秸秆对坡面产沙的抑制效应远强于对坡面产流的控制作用;(3)地表径流中氮素流失过程以NO3--N为主,且TN,NO3--N和NH4+-N的流失量和养分流失模数整体表现为生物炭处理最大,碎混秸秆处理最小.[结论]紫色土坡耕地施加碎混秸秆能促渗阻流、有效控制水土及养分流失,而短期施加生物炭可能会产生负面影响.

[Objective]The aims of this study are to investigate the specific improvement effects of different additions of straw and biochar on the sloping arable land of purple soil,so as to provide theoretical references for the reasonable prevention and control of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.[Methods]The effects of rice straw(4,7,10 t/hm2)and biochar(13,39,65 t/hm2)on sediment yield and nitrogen loss in purple soil slope were studied by artificial rainfall simulation method,with bare slope as the control.[Results](1)Under the condition of high intensity rainfall,the mixture of biochar with purple soil accelerated the process of runoff production on slope,and the application of mixed straw could prolong the initial time of runoff production and reduce the rate of runoff production.(2)The cumulative sediment yield of purple soil increased by 0.64%~66.29%compared with the control group after adding biochar,but decreased by 42.58%~70.27%after adding mixed straw.The inhibitory effect of mixed straw on sediment yield on slope was much stronger than that on runoff yield on slope.(3)The nitrogen loss process in surface runoff was dominated by NO3--N,and the overall loss moduli of TN,NO3--N and NH4+-N were the largest under biochar treatment,and the smallest under mixed straw treatment.[Conclusion]The application of crushed straw can promote seepage and inhibit flow,effectively control soil,water and nutrient loss in purple slope farmland,while the short-term application of biochar may have negative effects.


西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716重庆市荣昌区人民政府双河街道办事处,重庆 402460西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716



biocharpurple soilrunoff and sediment yieldnitrogen loss

《水土保持研究》 2024 (4)



