

Assessment of catchable biomass of red bigeye,Priacanthus macra-canthus in the northern South China Sea based on multisource catch Data


为探明南海北部短尾大眼鲷(Priacanthus macracanthus)资源的利用状况,利用2008-2020年南海北部渔港分层抽样调查获得的多源渔获量数据,分析各作业方式分功率段单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE),基于6种剩余产量模型估算短尾大眼鲷最大可持续产量(MSY),按照决策原则和图解法估算总允许捕捞量(TAC),基于Kobe图判断短尾大眼鲷资源利用状况.结果表明,短尾大眼鲷的拖网年捕捞量占比最高,平均为79.36%;近10年其捕捞量整体呈现波动下降趋势;3种剩余产量模型对短尾大眼鲷CPUE数据具有较好的适用性(平均绝对百分比误差MAPE<100%),估算的 MSY 范围为(2.5~3.2)×104 t,平均为 2.9×104 t;TAC 范围为(2.4~3.0)×104 t,平均为 2.7×104 t;Kobe图表明南海北部短尾大眼鲷资源处于安全限度内,近年来未发生过度捕捞.

With the increasing intensity of human fishing activities and the growing prominence of environmental pollution issues,the nearshore marine fishery resources in the northern South China Sea have experienced severe decline.Priacanthus macracanthus has always been one of the main targets of trawl fishing vessels,and it is facing prominent issues of early maturity and small body size.However,there is a lack of research on the resource quantity of P.macracanthus.In order to achieve sustainable utilization and management of its resources,it is necessary to evaluate the maximum sustainable yield(MSY)and catchable resource quantity of P.macracanthus.The surplus production model is one of the commonly used methods for estimating the biological reference points of fish stocks.It has the advantages of requiring less data and being easy to operate.However,in the process of resource assessment,the selection of models and data sources is an important factor that affects the estimation results of fishery population management parameters,such as optimal fishing effort,MSY,and total allowable catch(TAC).In order to make the assessment results closer to the real fishery resources,it is necessary to provide continuous and effective survey data and scientifically reasonable models.Therefore,this study takes the resource assessment of P.macracanthus in the northern South China Sea as an example.The stratified sampling survey data of catch production on fishing ports in the northern South China Sea from 2008 to 2020 were used to analyze the catch per unit effort(CPUE)of each operation gear in different power ranges.Based on six surplus production models,the MSY of P.macracanthus were estimated.The TAC were estimated according to decision-making principles and graphical methods.The fishery stock status of P.macracanthus was determined based on the Kobe diagram.The results showed that the annual trawl catch of P.macracanthus accounted for the highest proportion,with an average of 79.36%.In the past 10 years,its catch showed a fluctuating downward trend.The Schaefer model,Fox model,and D-Fox model had good applicability to the CPUE data of P.macracanthus(mean absolute percentage error MAPE<100%),with estimated MSY ranging(2.5-3.2)× 104 t,with an average of 2.9× 104 t.The TAC range was(2.4-3.0)× 104 t,with an average of 2.7×104 t.The Kobe diagram showed that the P.macracanthus stock in the northern South China Sea was in the safety state,and there had been no overfishing in recent years.In this study,it is discussed that not all the catch data corresponding to the main engine power of fishing vessels can be analyzed using the surplus production model.Secondly,the catch data corresponding to the same main engine power range are not applicable to the analysis of all surplus production models.Finally,we believe that when assessing the MSY of a single fishery resource,it is not only necessary to consider the diversity of assessment models,but also the use of data from different sources.This study suggests that the different results obtained by fitting the data from different main engine power ranges of fishing vessels can provide a reference interval for the values of MSY and TAC.It can also provide a broader perspective on the overall analysis of the assessment results.Taking the mean value is a beneficial attempt to explore reasonable values for MSY and TAC.


广东海洋大学水产学院,广东湛江 524088||南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524025||广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心,广东湛江 524088广东海洋大学水产学院,广东湛江 524088||广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心,广东湛江 524088广东海洋大学水产学院,广东湛江 524088广东海洋大学水产学院,广东湛江 524088||粤西热带海洋生态环境野外科学观测研究站,广东湛江 524088广东海洋大学水产学院,广东湛江 524088||广东省南海深远海渔业管理与捕捞工程技术研究中心,广东湛江 524088||粤西热带海洋生态环境野外科学观测研究站,广东湛江 524088



Northern South China SeaPriacanthus macracanthussurplus production modelsmaximum sustainable yield

《中国水产科学》 2024 (003)

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