

Spatial distribution of Chaeturichthys stigmatias and influence factors in Haizhou Bay based on ensemble species distribution model


物种的空间分布能够反映个体在空间上的相互关系,是物种与环境长期适应和选择的结果,对物种的生长发育和资源利用等都具有显著影响.本研究基于2013-2022年春季和秋季在海州湾及其邻近海域进行的底拖网调查数据,构建了 10种单一物种分布模型(species distribution model,SDM),结合真实技巧统计值(true skill statistic,TSS)和受试者工作特征曲线下面积值(area under ROCcurve,AUC)筛选预测精度和准确性较优的模型作为基础模型,并通过加权的方法分别构建不同季节的组合物种分布模型(ensemble species distribution model,ESDM),以解析矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)的空间分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明,ESDM能够有效降低单一模型预测的不确定性,提高模型预测的精度,更加准确地解析海州湾矛尾虾虎鱼的空间分布特征.2013-2022年春季,矛尾虾虎鱼集中分布于海州湾西部近岸和南部海域,东部和中北部海域分布较少,分布重心的经度和纬度偏移范围大约为1°;秋季主要分布于海州湾西南部海域,分布重心呈辐射状小幅度移动.本研究发现,与矛尾虾虎鱼空间分布存在显著相关的影响因子为水深、饵料丰度、底层水温和底层盐度,其中饵料丰度是春季最重要的影响因子,水深是秋季最重要的影响因子.本研究在区域尺度上解析了海州湾矛尾虾虎鱼的空间分布特征及其分布重心的变化,并探讨了影响因子重要性的季节差异,可为海州湾矛尾虾虎鱼资源的可持续利用提供参考依据.

The spatial distribution of species can reflect the interrelationships among individuals,which are the result of long-term adaptation and selection between species and the environment.This has a significant impact on the development and resource utilization of species.This study constructed 10 species distribution models based on the samples collected from the bottom trawl surveys in Haizhou Bay and adjacent waters during springs and autumns of 2013-2022.We selected models with better performance and prediction accuracy to construct an ensemble species distribution model(ESDM)based on the true skill statistic and area under the receiver operator characteristic(ROC)curve.We analyzed the spatial distribution of Chaeturichthys stigmatias and the influencing factors.The results showed that ESDM could effectively reduce the uncertainty of single-species distribution models,improve the accuracy of model prediction,and analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of C.stigmatias in Haizhou Bay with higher accuracy.C.stigmatias generally concentrated in the western coastal and southern waters of Haizhou Bay during the spring seasons of 2013-2022,with lower distribution in the eastern,central,and northern waters.The longitude and latitude deviation ranges of the distribution center during this period were approximately 1°.C.stigmatias were mainly distributed in the southwestern area of Haizhou Bay during autumn,with the distribution center moving slightly.Additionally,we found that water depth,prey density,sea bottom temperature,and sea bottom salinity were significantly correlated with the spatial distribution of C.stigmatias in Haizhou Bay,of which prey density generated the greatest effect in spring,and water depth generated the greatest effect in autumn.This study analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics and changes in the distribution centers of C.stigmatias on a regional scale and explored seasonal differences in important influencing factors.This study provides basic information for sustainable utilization of C.stigmatias.


中国海洋大学水产学院,山东青岛 266003||海州湾渔业生态系统教育部野外科学观测研究站,山东青岛 266003山东省渔业发展和资源养护总站,山东烟台 264003中国海洋大学水产学院,山东青岛 266003||崂山实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室,山东青岛 266237||海州湾渔业生态系统教育部野外科学观测研究站,山东青岛 266003



Chaeturichthys stigmatiasensemble species distribution modelspatial distributioninfluence factorHaizhou Bay

《中国水产科学》 2024 (003)

343-355 / 13


