

Study on morphological characteristics among hybrids of silver carp(♀)× bighead carp(♂)and their parents


鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)和鳙(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)是我国特有鱼类,已被引入美国密西西比河流域并产生了自然杂交种,而在我国鲜有自然杂交的报道.为了解鲢鳙杂交鱼的形态差异和生物学特征,本研究对鲢、鳙及其杂交鱼(鲢♀×鳙♂)的外部形态特征、体表色泽、色素细胞、部分器官和骨骼形态进行了比较观察.结果显示,在18个可数性状中,6个性状与鲢、鳙存在极显著差异(P<0.01),其平均杂种指数为72.2,略偏向父本鳙;而在39个可量性状和框架性状中,主成分分析、判别分析和聚类分析均显示杂交鱼与双亲具有明显的形态区分,但杂交鱼的形态更接近母本鲢,形态差异主要集中在头部和背鳍前的躯干特征性状.杂交鱼的体表和腹膜色泽介于鲢、鳙之间,但与鲢更为接近,而鳞片的黑色素细胞数量显著高于鲢(P<0.05).此外,杂交鱼的鳃耙形态与鳙相近,而与鲢有较大区别;杂交鱼的后鳔呈独特的三角形,其形状和大小与鲢、鳙具有明显差异;杂交鱼的大多数骨骼形态与鲢相似,而骨骼大小表现为亲本的中间型.本研究可为鲢鳙杂交子代的生物学特征、在移居地的生态适应性和我国鲢鳙的种质保护研究提供科学依据.

Silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)and bighead carp(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)are endemic to China,with few natural hybrids found within their native distribution ranges.However,a significant number of natural hybrids emerged when these two species colonized the Mississippi River in the United States of America.To comprehend the morphological differences and biological characteristics of hybrid fish resulting from silver carp and bighead carp,comparative observations were conducted on external morphological traits,body coloration,pigment cells,and morphological changes in some organs and bones among silver carp,bighead carp,and their hybrid(silver carp ♀× bighead carp ♂).The results indicated extremely significant differences(P<0.05)in six traits out of 18 countable traits between the hybrids and their parents,with an average hybrid index of 72.2,indicating a slight bias towards paternal bighead carp.Utilizing 39 quantifiable and truss traits,principal component analysis,discriminant analysis,and cluster analysis revealed evident differences among the hybrids,silver carp,and bighead carp,although the hybrids exhibited closer proximity to maternal silver carp.Morphological disparities among the hybrids mainly centered on the head and trunk anterior to the dorsal fin.Body surface and peritoneum colors of the hybrids were intermediate between those of silver carp and bighead carp,leaning closer to silver carp.Nonetheless,the number of melanocytes in the scales was significantly higher in hybrids than in silver carp(P<0.05).Moreover,gill rake characteristics of the hybrids resembled those of bighead carp but noticeably differed from those of silver carp.The shape and size of posterior swim bladders in hybrids differed from those of silver carp and bighead carp.While most skeletal characteristics of hybrids resembled those of silver carp,hybrid skeletal size ranged between that of silver carp and bighead carp,offering a scientific foundation for understanding the biological traits of hybrid offspring from silver carp and bighead carp,their ecological adaptability in migration areas,and the germplasm protection of both species in China.


上海海洋大学,农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海水产养殖工程技术研究中心,上海 201306



Hypophthalmichthys molitrixHypophthalmichthys nobilisdistant hybridizationbody colororgan shape

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

391-402 / 12


