

Research on the conservation and management for chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus)in the Northwest Pacific


鲐(Scomber japonicus)是西北太平洋海域重要的渔业种类,该渔业涉及多个国家的多种作业方式,渔业形势较复杂,但目前西北太平洋海域尚无基于资源评估的、完善的鲐养护管理措施.本研究使用传统渔业管理方法(资源预测)和较新颖的方法[数据有限的渔业管理规程评价(management strategy evaluation,MSE)]对鲐的渔业管理进行了研究.在资源预测方法中,通过JABBA和JABBA-Select两个资源评估模型对种群未来的资源动态进行模拟,探讨不同捕捞控制规则(harvest control rules,HCR)下种群的变化.本研究设置了 4个HCR,分别以2020年渔获量的0.8~1.4倍,最大可持续产量MSY、B×FMSY和SB×HMSY(分别用于JABBA和JABBA-Select)、历史最高渔获量为总可捕量(total allowable catch,TAC),预测2023-2032年间的鲐种群变化.结果显示基于亲体资源量进行研究的JABBA-Select模型,其预测结果相比于JABBA模型略悲观,但都是基于生物学参考点设定的HCR养护和管理效果最好(TAC分别为50~80万t和50~66万t).MSE则根据设定筛选出12种养护管理效果较好的策略,其中DAAC(消耗率修正后的平均捕获量)与SBT2(基于资源量和渔获量水平的总可捕量递增矫正法)养护管理效果最好.SBT2求得的TAC(520387 t),与近些年产量及上述HCR的结果较为接近.此外,敏感性分析表明,可捕系数,自然死亡系数和渔获量相关的参数(平均渔获量、渔获量、渔获量参考点)对于养护管理效果的影响最为明显,需要额外关注两者的准确性和精确性.现阶段为确保西北太平洋鲐资源的养护和最佳利用,建议根据B×FMSY或SB×HMSY设定年可捕量,同时基于资源量和渔获量水平进行调整,综合制定管理措施.

Chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus)is an important fishery species in the Northwest Pacific Ocean,and its fishery involves multiple countries and various types of operations,resulting in its complexity.However,there are no appropriate conservation and management measures based on stock assessments of chub mackerel in this area.In this study,a management strategy for this key species in the Northwest Pacific Ocean was evaluated using traditional methods(resource projections)and data-limited approaches.Based on the stock assessment results of the JABBA and JABBA-Select models,the population dynamics were projected under different harvest control rules(HCRs).Four HCRs were set up for a chub mackerel fishery from 2023 to 2032,with total allowable catch(TAC)=(0.8-1.4)×Catch2020(catch in 2020),maximum sustainable yield(MSY),B×FMSY or SB×HMSY(for JABBA and JABBA-Select respectively),and Catchmax(historical maxmum catch).The results showed that the stock was projected to be more negative in the JABBA-select model considering spawning stock biomass than in the JABBA model.Based on the MSY-related reference points,HCR_3 performed the best(TAC of 50-80 million tons and 50-66 million tons,respectively).The MSE then selected 12 strategies with better conservation management effects according to the settings,among which DAAC and SBT2 had the best conservation management effects.The TAC obtained from SBT2 was more appropriate for conservation,close to the TAC(520387 t)from HCR 3 and the recent catch.Robustness and sensitivity analyses showed that the catchability coefficient,natural mortality,and catch-related parameters(average catch,catch,catch reference)had a significant influence on management performance,requiring more attention to estimate accuracy and precision.In conclusion,the conservation and management of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific Ocean should consider catch limits based on B×FMSY or SBxHMSY by adjusting resource and catch levels.

蔡锴;周雨霏;麻秋云;KINDONG Richard

上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306||浙江大学海洋学院,浙江舟山 316021上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306||国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306||大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室,上海 201306



fisheries managementdata-limited methodspopulation projectionTAC

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

439-453 / 15


