

Aerodynamic drag reduction design of high-speed train with vortex generator installed on front hatch


为了降低列车高速运行受到的气动阻力,采用基于SST(shear stress transport)k-ω湍流模型的雷诺时均法研究高速列车尾车开闭机构位置安装涡流发生器对尾部流动特征以及列车气动载荷的影响.研究结果表明:涡流发生器能显著改变尾车周围的流场,产生一对与原涡流旋向相反的涡流结构,降低尾流涡强度和范围,在尾车安装涡流发生器后,气流流动受到涡流发生器的阻碍产生积聚,从而在尾车表面形成较大的正压区域,降低尾车压差阻力和气动升力;随着涡流发生器安装位置向尾车鼻尖靠近,减升效果逐渐降低,尾车最大减升率为36.8%;尾车阻力随着涡流发生器安装位置向后移动呈现出先减小后增大的趋势,尾车气动阻力最大减阻幅度为4.54%.合理的开闭机构涡流发生器能有效控制尾流结构,进而控制尾车气动力,为高速列车气动减阻提供新思路.

Aiming to reduce the aerodynamic resistance during train operation,the Reynolds time-averaged(RANS)method based on the shear stress transport(SST)k-ω turbulence model was used to study the influence of vortex generators installed on the front hatch of high-speed train tail car on the flow characteristics of train wake flow and the aerodynamic loads.The results show that the vortex generator can significantly change the flow field around the tail car and produce a pair of counter-rotating vortices opposite to the original vortices in the wake flow,which can weaken the basic wake vortices.Compared with the prototype,the airflow is hindered by the vortex generator,contributing to a large positive pressure area on the surface of the tail car,which reduces the aerodynamic pressure drag and lift of the tail car.As the installation position of the vortex generator is close to the nose tip of the tail car,the aerodynamic lift reduction effect gradually decreases,and the maximum lift reduction rate of the tail car is 36.8%.The drag of the tail car decreases firstly and then increases with the backward movement of the vortex generator,which can reduce the aerodynamic drag of the tail car by up to 4.54%.The proper vortex generator installed on the front hatch can effectively control the wake structure,and thus improve the aerodynamic force of the tail car,which provides a new thought for aerodynamic drag reduction of high-speed trains.





high-speed trainvortex generatorflow controlfront hatchnumerical simulation

《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (5)


国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFA0710902)国家自然科学基金资助项目(12372049)中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2682023ZTPY036)(Project(2020YFA0710902)supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of ChinaProject(12372049)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2682023ZTPY036)supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities)

