Introducing and Demonstrating Experiment of High-quality Rice Varieties in Yunyang District of Shiyan City
为筛选出适宜十堰市郧阳区种植的优质水稻品种,于 2021 年引进了 9 个水稻品种进行展示试验.结果表明:巨两优 68 表现优异,综合性状好,高产,抗病,适应性强,可作为郧阳区水稻生产首选品种;鄂中 8 号和宜香优 725 产量、经济性状、抗病能力、适宜性等表现也较好,可作为主栽品种;其他 6 个品种综合性状表现一般,需要进一步的试验示范.
In order to screen out high-quality rice varieties suitable for planting in Yunyang District of Shiyan City,this study introduced 9 rice varieties for demonstrating experiment in 2021.The results showed that Juliangyou 68 had excellent performance(high yield,good disease resistance,strong adaptability and good comprehensive traits),making it the preferred variety for rice production in Yunyang District;Ezhong 8 and Yixiangyou 725 had good performance in yield,economic traits,disease resistance and suitability,could be used as the main cultivated varieties;the other 6 varieties had ordinary comprehensive traits and require further experimental demonstration.
十堰市郧阳区农业农村局,湖北十堰 442500十堰市郧阳区农业农村局,湖北十堰 442500
riceeconomic characteristicyieldShiyan HubeiYunyang District
《现代农业科技》 2024 (12)