

Selection of Cold-resistant and Early Maturing Winter Rapeseed Varieties in Shandong Tobacco Region


为筛选适宜山东烟区种植的冬油菜品种,构建山东烟草与油菜轮作种植新模式,于 2020-2021 年在山东典型烟区开展冬油菜品种筛选试验,从越冬率、生育期、植株长势、油菜籽产量和品质等角度筛选适宜的油菜品种.结果表明:在供试品种中,天油 142 和运白 2 号虽为双高白菜型品种,但具有抗寒性强、生育期短、产量较高的明显优点,在山东烟区轮作换茬时间紧张的情况下,具有与烟草合理接茬的优势,可作为山东烟区一年两熟轮作模式的适宜油菜品种;甘蓝型油菜品种秦优 11004 和晋油 11 号生育期较短、产量突出、品质较好,可作为搭配品种种植;甘蓝型油菜品种陕油 21、秦优 33 和荣华油 10 号生育期相对较短、产量相对较高、品质较好,可作为后备冬油菜品种.

In order to screen suitable winter rapeseed varieties for planting in Shandong tobacco region and construct a new rotation planting model between tobacco and rapeseed in Shandong,this paper carried out selection experiment of winter rapeseed varieties in Shandong typical tobacco region in 2020-2021.The study screened suitable rapeseed varieties from the perspectives of overwintering rate,growth period,plant growth,rapeseed yield and quality.The results showed that,Tianyou 142 and Yunbai 2 had the obvious advantages of strong cold resistance,short growth period and high yield among the tested varieties,even they were double-high cabbage varieties.Under the situation of short rotation time in Shandong tobacco region,they had the advantage of reasonable intercropping with tobacco,and could be used as the suitable rapeseed varieties for one year two crop rotation mode in Shandong tobacco region.Brassica napus varieties Qinyou 11004 and Jinyou 11 had short growth period,outstanding yield and good quality,and could be used as suitable winter rapeseed matching varieties.Brassica napus varieties Shaanyou 21,Qinyou 33 and Ronghuayou 10 had relatively short growth period,relatively high yield and good quality,and could be used as the reserve winter rapeseed varieties.


中国农业科学院烟草研究所/农业农村部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,山东青岛 266101山东潍坊烟草有限公司,山东潍坊 261061山东潍坊烟草有限公司,山东潍坊 261061山东临沂烟草有限公司,山东临沂 276001山东临沂烟草有限公司,山东临沂 276001中国农业科学院烟草研究所/农业农村部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,山东青岛 266101



rapeseedvariety screeningcold resistancegrowth periodyieldShandong tobacco region

《现代农业科技》 2024 (12)



