Study on High-yield and High-efficiency Cultivation Techniques of Astragalus membranaceus in Huzhu County
为了研究适宜互助县推广应用的黄芪高产高效栽培技术,从移栽时间、移栽密度、种植方式、种苗类型 4 个方面开展了田间试验.结果表明:互助县黄芪最佳的移栽时间为 4 月中旬,移栽密度为 300 000 株/hm2,种植方式为黑地膜全覆膜移栽,种苗类型为直径>0.5 cm、长度>30 cm、根条均匀光滑、无分叉的优质种苗.运用该栽培技术,黄芪的出苗率高、产量高、品质佳、经济效益好.本研究可为互助县大面积推广黄芪种植提供理论依据,促进当地中药材产业的高质量发展.
In order to study the high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of Astragalus membranaceus suitable for promotion and application in Huzhu County,field trials were conducted from four aspects:transplanting time,transplanting density,planting method and seedling type.The results showed that the optimal transplanting time of Astragalus membranaceus in Huzhu County was mid April,the optimal transplanting density was 300 000 plants/hm2,the optimal planting method was transplanting by using black plastic film full covering,and the optimal seedling type was high-quality seedlings with diameter longer than 0.5 cm,length longer than 30 cm,even and smooth root and without branching.By using this cultivation technique,Astragalus membranaceus had high emergence rate,high yield,good quality and good economic benefit.This study could provide a theoretical basis for the large-scale promotion of Astragalus membranaceus cultivation in Huzhu County,and promote the high-quality development of the local traditional Chinese medicine industry.
青海互丰农业科技集团有限公司,青海互助 810599青海互丰农业科技集团有限公司,青海互助 810599青海互丰农业科技集团有限公司,青海互助 810599青海互丰农业科技集团有限公司,青海互助 810599青海互丰农业科技集团有限公司,青海互助 810599
Astragalus membranaceustransplanting timetransplanting densityplanting methodseedling typeagronomic traityieldHuzhu Qinghai
《现代农业科技》 2024 (12)