

The Early Cretaceous extensional deformation in the southeastern Beishan Range,central Asia:Constrains from 2D seismic reflection profile interpretation and apatite fission track thermochronology


为深入认识中亚造山带南缘晚中生代陆内变形过程及其动力学机制,通过野外地质观察、二维反射地震剖面解释及磷灰石裂变径迹测年,对北山东南部早白垩世伸展构造及早期挤压构造进行了详细解析.结果表明,一系列逆冲断层与褶皱构造造成下—中侏罗统发生强烈的挤压变形.地震剖面揭示出2条早白垩世伸展正断层,其中梭梭井断层为南东倾向的低角度铲式正断层,五道明断层为北西倾向的高角度正断层,二者共同切割了早期形成的褶皱-冲断系统,指示挤压-伸展构造的转换;梭梭井断层与五道明断层分别限定了早白垩世总口子盆地的北西和南东边界,使得其具有"地堑"样式,盆地内沉积的下白垩统生长地层发育,表明伸展正断层的活动时间为早白垩世晚期.磷灰石裂变径迹热史模拟结果显示,梭梭井断层下盘于 132~110 Ma经历了快速冷却和剥露事件,该事件与其持续的正断层活动密切相关,进一步证实北山东南部晚中生代挤压-伸展构造的转换很可能发生在早白垩世晚期(133~129 Ma).增厚地壳的重力垮塌与局部地幔上涌共同导致了中亚造山带南缘早白垩世的区域伸展作用.

[Objective]The Beishan Range occupies a key position in Central Asia.This study aims to deepen the understanding of the timing,intracontinental deformation processes,and their dynamic mechanisms in the Late Mesozoic on the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).[Methods]We conducted detailed analyses of the Early Cretaceous extensional and earlier compressional structures in the southeastern Beishan Range through field geological observations,interpretation of 2D reflection seismic profiles,and apatite fission track thermochronology.[Conclusion]Field observations show that Lower-Middle Jurassic strata have been strongly deformed by numerous thrusts and folds.2D seismic reflection profiles reveal two NE-to NEE-striking normal faults.The Suosuojing fault is a SE-dipping low-angle listric normal fault,while the Wudaoming fault is a NW-dipping high-angle normal fault.These normal faults cut through the early-formed fold-thrust system,indicating a transition from contraction to extension.The Suosuojing and Wudaoming faults,respectively,define the northwestern and southeastern boundaries of the Early Cretaceous Zongkouzi basin.The Zongkouzi basin exhibits a graben geometry,with Lower Cretaceous strata displaying typical growth-strata relationships,suggesting that the normal faults were active during the late Early Cretaceous.Thermal history modeling results from apatite fission track data indicate that the footwall of the Suosuojing fault experienced rapid cooling between 132 and 110 Ma.This rapid cooling phase was closely related to the footwall exhumation during the normal slip of the Suosuojing fault.We argue that the Late Mesozoic intracontinental contraction-extension transition in the southeastern Beishan Range likely occurred between~133 Ma and~129 Ma in the late Early Cretaceous.The collapse of the thickened crust and coupled mantle upwelling triggered the Early Cretaceous extensional deformation in the southern CAOB.


中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心,北京 100037中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心,北京 100037中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司吐哈物探处,新疆哈密 839000中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司吐哈物探处,新疆哈密 839000中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心,北京 100037中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心,北京 100037



BeishanEarly Cretaceousextensional tectonic deformationapatite fission trackcontraction-extension transition

《地质力学学报》 2024 (3)


中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20230229,DD20221643,DD20190011,DD20160083)This research is financially supported by the Geological Survey Project of the China Geological Survey(Grants No.DD20230229,DD20221643,DD20190011,and DD20160083).

