

Evolution of service characteristics for SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites under space ultraviolet irradiation erosion environment


在波长为 200~400 nm、最低温度为-50℃、辐射度为3.0 W/m2 的紫外辐射环境下,对SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料分别进行 0、10、30、60、120 h辐射实验,结合微观组织结构、组分与力学性能演变情况,研究了紫外辐射服役环境对SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料的影响.结果表明,相比于未受紫外辐射的SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料,当紫外辐射 10h后,SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料的弯曲强度和模量均有小幅度增加;当紫外辐射超过30h后,随着辐射时间进一步增加,弯曲强度先增加后降低,而弯曲模量持续降低并且材料表层的裂纹缺陷基本呈现出尺寸和数量均增加的趋势,表明紫外辐射进一步损伤了材料内层.紫外辐射前后SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料均表现为台阶状的弯曲断裂行为.未进行紫外辐射的SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料断口以纤维断裂为主;紫外辐射 10h的试样表现出与未辐射试样类似的断裂形貌且纤维受侵蚀不明显;紫外辐射 30h后,试样断口除发现碳纤维断裂现象外,还可发现明显的碳纤维拔出和界面层脱壳现象,碳纤维受到的侵蚀作用较明显;紫外辐射120 h后,SiC/(Cf/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料内部碳纤维受到的侵蚀作用进一步加剧,界面层剥离严重,碳纤维端头呈现针状结构.

SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites were respectively irradiated for 0,10,30,60 and 120 h under ultraviolet irradiation environment with ultraviolet wavelengths of 200~400 nm,minimum temperature of-50℃and radiation level of 3.0 W/m2.The effects of ultraviolet irradiation service environment on SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites were investigated in con-junction with the evolution of microstructure,components and mechanical properties.The results show that compared with those of SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites without UV irradiation,the flexural strength and modulus of SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites after UV irradiation for 10 h increase slightly.After UV irradiation for more than 30 h,with the further increase of irradia-tion time,its flexural strength increases first and then decreases,while the flexural modulus continue to decrease,the surface crack defects of SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites show an increasing tendency about crack size and number,indicating that ultra-violet radiation further damage the inner layer of the material.The SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites before and after ultravi-olet radiation presents a step-like flexural fracture behavior.However,the fracture of the sample without UV radiation is dominated by fiber fracture.The fracture morphology of the sample with UV radiation for 10 h is similar to that of the un-irradiated sample,and the fiber is not obviously eroded.After 30 h of ultraviolet radiation,in addition to carbon fiber fracture,obvious carbon fiber pull-out and interface layer exfoliation can also be found in the fracture section of the sample,and the corrosion effect of carbon fiber is obvious.After 120 h of ultraviolet radiation,the erosion of carbon fiber in SiC/(Cf/SiC)ceramic matrix composites is further aggravated,the interface layer peeling is serious,and the end of carbon fiber presents a needle-like structure.


航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100航天推进技术研究院,西安航天动力研究所,复合材料工程中心,西安 710100


ceramic matrix compositesspace environment ultraviolet irradiationradiation erosionmicrostructureflexural me-chanical properties

《固体火箭技术》 2024 (3)



