

Role of stochastic resonance theory in the human perceptual system


随机共振(stochastic resonance,SR)是一种噪声增强系统响应的现象,该现象的存在可优化系统对小的输入信号的检测和处理能力.在非线性阈值系统中,当阈值、信号和噪声三者之间相互匹配时会发生SR现象.而视觉、听觉与触觉作为人体的三大感知系统,是典型的非线性阈值系统,与人体的运动控制能力密切相关.SR在人体各感觉系统中扮演复杂的角色,一定的噪声刺激可以改善人体的视、听、触觉系统,从而改善人体的步态变异性和手部灵活性,提高平衡功能及本体感觉能力.SR作为临床康复治疗的重要组成部分,可以通过增加神经系统对输入信号的感知能力来帮助人体运动控制能力的恢复.未来应加深对SR的认识,使其成为临床医疗体系中的新型康复治疗手段.

Stochastic resonance(SR)is a phenomenon where noise enhances the response of a system,optimizing its ability to detect and process small input signals.SR occurs in nonlinear threshold systems when the threshold,signal,and noise are appropriately matched.The human perceptual systems of vision,hearing,and touch are typical nonlinear threshold systems and are closely related to motor control capabilities.SR plays a complex role in these perceptual systems,certain noise stimulation can improve the visual,auditory,and tactile systems,thereby enhancing gait variability,hand dexterity,balance function,and proprioceptive abilities.As an important component of clinical rehabilitation therapy,SR can aid in the recovery of motor control abilities by increasing the neural system's sensitivity to input signals.In the future,a deeper understanding of SR should be developed to establish it as a novel rehabilitation treatment method within clinical medical practice.


湖南师范大学附属第一医院(湖南省人民医院)康复医学科,长沙 410016湖南省脑血管病康复临床医学研究中心,长沙 410016


stochastic resonancenonlinear threshold systemmotor disordersstrokeperceptual system

《临床与病理杂志》 2024 (003)

450-455 / 6

湖南省自然科学基金(S2021JJKWLH0219).This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(S2021JJKWLH0219).

