

Application of Model Initial Field Assimilation Technology in Huangxiao River Jichang River Basin Model


文章介绍了模型初始场同化技术在黄孝河机场河流域(简称"黄机流域")在线模拟预测中的应用.降雨存在时空分布的不规律,导致黄机流域管网水位复杂变化,预测与实测差异大、预测结果偏小问题突出.为充分利用流域内有限的监测点数据,实现对流域的快速滚动预测,同时确保预测的准确性,创新性地将模型初始场同化技术应用到黄机流域模型中,进行每10 min 一次的在线模拟预测.应用结果表明,初始场同化技术在城市管网及流域水环境综合治理中的应用具有可行性.黄机流域模型采用初始场同化技术后,在线模拟准确度大幅提升,目前初始场同化技术已正式上线,为黄机系统的溢流风险提供一定程度上可靠的在线模拟预测.未来将通过增加可供同化的监测点位,提供稳定可靠的监测数据;融合实际调度规则,掌握现场实时调度的工况等手段,继续优化提升预测准确度.

This paper introduces the application of model initial field assimilation technology in online simulation and prediction of Huangxiao River Jichang River Basin(hereinafter referred to as the"Huangji Basin").Due to the irregular spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall,the water level of the pipe network in the Huangji Basin change complicatedly.The difference between prediction and measurement is large,and the prediction result is small.In order to make full use of the limited monitoring point data in the basin,realize the rapid rolling prediction of the basin,and ensure the accuracy of the prediction,the initial field assimilation technology of the model is innovatively applied to the Huangji Basin model,and the online simulation prediction is carried out every 10 min.The application results show that the application of initial field assimilation technology in the comprehensive management of urban pipe network and river basin water environment is feasible.The accuracy of online simulation is greatly improved after the initial field assimilation technology is adopted in the Huangji Basin model.At present,the initial field assimilation technology has been officially launched,providing a certain degree of reliable online simulation prediction for the overflow risk of the Huangji system.In the future,stable and reliable monitoring data can be provided by increasing monitoring points for assimilation.Integrating the actual scheduling rules,mastering the working conditions of on-site real-time scheduling,and continue to optimizing and improving the prediction accuracy.


中建三局绿色产业投资有限公司,湖北武汉 430000



Huangxiao River Jichang River Basinmodelonline simulationmodel initial field assimilationpredictionaccuracy

《净水技术》 2024 (0z1)

254-264 / 11


