Long-Term Phosphorus Control Efficacy of Sustained-Release Phosphorus Removal Materials in Low-Pollution-Load Lake and Reservoir Water Bodies
根据《2022年中国生态环境状况公报》,我国湖库主要污染因子是总磷.当前多种除磷材料被研发,但实际应用易受复杂环境干扰,效果有异于实验室数据.因此,选择适应性强、净化效果好的除磷材料至关重要.研究在嘉兴南湖北岸1 000 m2围隔水体中,投加了高效缓释除磷材料,并跟踪检测了研究区域1年的总磷浓度变化.结果表明,原研究水体中水草老化以及外河水体交换,导致总磷质量浓度在0.05 mg/L左右,水质不满足地表水Ⅲ类水质要求.投加高效缓释除磷材料后,除降雨期间引发围隔内外水量交换及底质扰动导致总磷波动外,试验区域内总磷质量浓度1年内稳定在0.02~0.05 mg/L;非试验区域总磷质量浓度为0.03~0.10 mg/L和0.04~0.14 mg/L.此外,高效缓释除磷材料的投加对溶解氧、pH、氨氮和高锰酸盐指数无影响.通过实地应用高效缓释除磷材料并持续跟踪监测,研究验证了该材料在降低湖库水体总磷浓度方面的长期有效性,为湖库富营养化治理提供了新的解决方案和思路.
According to the data from the 2022 China Ecological Environment Status Bulletin,the main environmental pollution factor of lakes and reservoirs in China is total phosphorus.Although there are various phosphorus removal materials currently available,their practical applications are susceptible to interference from complex environments,resulting in performance differences compared to laboratory data.Therefore,it is crucial to select a phosphorus removal material with strong adaptability and good purification effects.In this study,efficient sustained-release phosphorus removal material was added to the enclosed water body of 1 000 m2 on the north bank of Jiaxing South Lake,and the total phosphorus concentration in the study area was tracked and detected for one year.The results showed that the original water body had fluctuations in total phosphorus concentration around 0.05 mg/L due to the death and decay of submerged plants and water exchange with external rivers,failing to meet class 111 water quality requirements.After adding the efficient sustained-release phosphorus removal material,the total phosphorus concentration in the experimental area remained stable between 0.02~0.05 mg/L for one year,except for fluctuations caused by water exchange and sediment disturbance during rainfall events.In contrast,the total phosphorus concentration in the non-experimental areas fluctuated between 0.03~0.10 mg/L and 0.04~0.14 mg/L.Additionally,the addition of the efficient sustained-release phosphorus removal material had no significant impact on dissolved oxygen,pH,ammonia nitrogen,and permanganate index.Through field application and continuous monitoring,this study demonstrates the long-term effectiveness of the material in reducing total phosphorus concentration in lake and reservoir waters,providing a new solution and approach for eutrophication control.
嘉兴市水利投资有限公司,浙江嘉兴 314033嘉兴市水利投资有限公司,浙江嘉兴 314033同华禹水<上海>科技有限公司,上海 201700同华禹水<上海>科技有限公司,上海 201700同华禹水<上海>科技有限公司,上海 201700
lake and reservoirlow pollution loadeutrophicationtotal phosphorusphosphorus removal material
《净水技术》 2024 (z1)