Effects of Layered Fertilization on Soil Nutrients Dynamic of Peanut Field
明确不同分层施肥方式下花生田土壤氮、磷、钾养分动态,可为探明养分吸收利用特征、优化分层施肥方案提供科学依据.本研究以青花 7 号花生品种为供试材料,以农民常规旋耕施肥为对照(CK),设置两种分层处理方式(两层施肥:播种行下 10 cm、25 cm土层施肥;三层施肥:播种行下10 cm、15 cm、25 cm土层施肥)和三种施肥梯度(不减肥:750 kg/hm2;减肥 10%:675 kg/hm2;减肥20%:600 kg/hm2),共 7 个施肥处理,研究花生不同生育时期的土壤氮、磷、钾养分动态变化.研究发现,在花生团棵期,两层施肥处理下不减肥、减肥 10% 和减肥 20% 土壤有效磷含量在 10~20 cm土层较CK显著增加 34.1%、53.2%、54.6%,土壤硝态氮含量在 20~30 cm 土层较 CK 显著提升29.4%、69.9%、58.1%;在花生结荚前期,三层施肥处理下不减肥、减肥 10% 和减肥 20% 土壤有效磷含量在 0~30 cm土层较CK显著提升 53.7%~113.9%、7.8%~122.5%、46.1%~87.5%,各分层施肥处理下土壤速效钾和铵态氮含量在 10~20 cm 土层较 CK 分别平均提高 34.3% 和 52.3%;到花生结荚中期,分层施肥处理下土壤速效钾和铵态氮含量在 30~40 cm土层显著高于CK,较之分别平均提高 12.5%、21.1%;到饱果成熟期,各分层施肥处理 0~30 cm土层有效磷含量相近,但分层并施用 750 kg/hm2 肥料的处理,其 30~40 cm土层有效磷含量较CK显著增加 35.3%、64.7%;分二层并施用 750 kg/hm2 和 675 kg/hm2 肥料的处理,其荚果产量较CK分别显著增加 7.2% 和 17.4% .综上,分层施肥在优化土壤养分动态方面有积极效果,促进了花生各生育时期养分的合理分布,提高了花生饱果率,为花生产量提升奠定了基础.考虑大田生产的轻简化需求,花生生产上建议采用分两层施用 675~750 kg/hm2 复合肥.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the dynamics of soil nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in peanut field under different layered fertilization treatments,which can provide scientific basis for exploring the characteristics of nutrient absorption and utilization,and optimizing the scheme of layered ferti-lization.The peanut variety Qinghua7 was used as the test material in this study,and the conventional rotary tillage fertilization was used as the control(CK).Two layered fertilization treatments(double-layered fertili-zation:fertilization in the 10 cm and 25 cm soil layers under the sowing row;triple-layered fertilization:ferti-lization in the 10 cm,15 cm and 25 cm soil layers under the sowing row)and three fertilization gradients(no fertilizer reduction:750 kg/ha;fertilizer reduction by 10%:675 kg/ha;fertilizer reduction by 20%:600 kg/ha),a total of 7 treatments were set to study the dynamic changes of soil nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in different growth stages of peanut.The results showed that in the peanut spherical-plant stage,the concen-tration of soil available phosphorus in the 10-20 cm soil layer under double-layered fertilization treatments with no fertilizer reduction,10% fertilizer reduction,and 20% fertilizer reduction was significantly increased by 34.1%,53.2% and 54.6%,and the concentration of soil nitrate nitrogen in the 20-30 cm soil layer was significantly increased by 29.4%,69.9% and 58.1% compared with CK.In the early stage of peanut pod-bear-ing,the concentration of soil available phosphorus in the 0-30 cm soil layer under the triple-layered fertilization with no fertilizer reduction,10% fertilizer reduction,and 20% fertilizer reduction was significantly increased by 53.7%-113.9%,7.8%-122.5% and 46.1%-87.5% compared with CK,respectively,and the concentration of soil available potassium and ammonium nitrogen in the 10-20 cm soil layer under layered fertilization treatments were 34.3% and 52.3% higher than CK on average,respectively.In the middle stage of peanut pod-bearing,the concentration of soil available potassium and ammonium nitrogen in the 30-40 cm soil layer under layered fertilization treatments was significantly higher than that of CK,increased by 12.5% and 21.1%,respectively.In the maturity stage,the concentration of available phosphorus in the 0-30 cm soil layer under each layered fertilization treatment was similar,but when the 750 kg/ha compound fertilizer was applied under layered fertilization,the concentration of available phosphorus in the 30-40 cm soil layer was significantly increased by 35.3% and 64.7% com-pared with CK,and the pod yield was significantly increased by 7.2% and 17.4% compared with CK under the double layered fertilization with 750 kg/ha and 675 kg/ha compound fertilizer amount.In conclusion,layered fertilization had a positive effect on optimizing the dynamics of soil nutrient,which promoted the rational distribution of nutrients in each growing stage of peanut,increased the full fruit rate of peanut,and laid a foundation for the increase of peanut yield.To meet the simplified requirement of field production,it is recommended to use the double-layered fertilization with 675-750 kg/ha compound fertilizer amount in peanut production.
青岛农业大学山东省旱作农业技术重点实验室/山东省花生产业协同创新中心,山东 青岛 266109平度市河湖服务中心,山东 青岛 266706中农立华生物科技股份有限公司,北京 100052
layered fertilizationpeanutsoil nutrients dynamicgrowth stagesyield traits
《花生学报》 2024 (002)
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