Study on the Technique Effects of Controlling Scarabs'Dominant Species by Photinia fraseri aside Peanut Crop Field
采用田间笼罩法和生测法,开展红叶石楠+杀虫剂对花生田优势金龟甲暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟的诱杀试验.结果表明:与榆树、花生、玉米、大豆、桑树相比,红叶石楠对暗黑鳃金龟的引诱效果分别显著高于榆树 25.48%、花生 25.00%、玉米 36.06%、大豆 36.54%、桑树 36.54%;对铜绿丽金龟甲的引诱效果显著高于榆树 22.83%、玉米 20.47%、大豆 21.26%、桑树 35.43%,但与花生无显著性差异.田间生测进一步表明,红叶石楠+60% 吡虫啉悬浮剂对金龟甲诱杀效果最为显著,暗黑鳃金龟为(49.00±4.38)头,铜绿丽金龟为(10.50±2.47)头,其持效期可达 10d,显著优于5% 高效氯氟氰菊酯微乳剂、40% 辛硫磷乳油、35% 毒死蜱微囊悬浮剂处理.综上,在花生田周边种植绿化植物红叶石楠,在金龟甲出土期内,喷施 60% 吡虫啉,间隔 10d重复喷施,可有效控制暗黑鳃金龟、铜绿丽金龟成虫数量,达到降低幼虫蛴螬数量的目的.
The methods of gauze caging and bioassay were conducted to carry out trapping and killing of main beetles,Holotrichia parallela and Anomala corpulenta,by planting Photinia fraseri accompanied with insecticides applying on crop-planting field.The results showed,the trap effect of scrabs Holotrichia parallela by side-planting Photinia fraseri were significantly higher than side-planting elm(25.48% ),peanut(25.00% ),maize(36.06% ),soybean(36.54% ),mulberry(36.54% ).And for Anomala corpulenta,the trap effects by planting Photinia fraseri were significantly higher than side-planting elm(22.83% ),maize(20.47% ),soybean(21.26% ),mulberry(35.43% ),but peanut excepted.Fur-thermore,side plants plus pesticides experiments were conducted.The results of effect and duration of insecticides on two main beetles showed,that 60% imidacloprid SC exhibited higher controlling ef-ficient for Holotrichia parallela(49.00±4.38)and Anomala corpulenta(10.50±2.47)than 5% lambda-cyhalothrin,40% phoxius EC and 35% chlorpyrifos CS.The duration effect could up to 10 days intervals.Therefore,Photinia fraseri grown as eco-friendly plant can be planted aside peanut field,its combining with 60% imidacloprid SC can effectively reduced the number of Holotrichia par-allela and Anomala corpulenta,and subsequent control the damage of larva grubs on crop land.
山东省花生研究所,山东 青岛 266100湖北省襄阳市农业科学院,湖北 襄阳 441000
peanutHolotrichia parallelaAnomala corpulentaPhotinia fraseripest trap effects
《花生学报》 2024 (002)
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