Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo-furans in PM2.5 in Pudong of Shanghai and population health assessment
[背景]全球疾病负担研究中发现大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染对人体健康造成显著的危害.目前对PM2.5 中具有高毒性效应的二噁英类化合物(PCDD/Fs)的研究较少. [目的]通过研究上海浦东地区PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs时空分布和变化特征,以评估人群健康风险. [方法]本研究在浦东地区设置 28个采样点,于 2022年冬季(2月)和夏季(7月)各点位各采集1个PM2.5 样品,采样时长为 24 h.通过滤膜法测定PM2.5 质量浓度(后称浓度),以同位素稀释法确定样品中 17种 2,3,7,8-氯取代的PCDD/Fs含量.比较冬季和夏季PM2.5 及PCDD/Fs的浓度变化,运用主成分分析对PCDD/Fs的污染源进行溯源,并通过VLIER-HUMAAN模型评估经呼吸暴露PCDD/Fs致人群健康的风险. [结果]浦东地区 28个PM2.5 样品中,PM2.5 的浓度范围为 10~126 μg·m-3;PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs的浓度范围为58~2625 fg·m-3.冬季PM2.5 浓度(11~126 μg·m-3)高于夏季PM2.5 浓度(10~60 μg·m-3).冬季PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs浓度范围为 58~2625 fg·m-3,选择世界卫生组织毒性当量因子,对应的毒性当量(WHO-TEQ)浓度范围为2.99~40.97 fg·m-3;夏季PCDD/Fs浓度范围为72~446 fg·m-3,对应的WHO-TEQ浓度范围为 2.66~16.61 fg·m-3,夏季PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs明显低于冬季.主成分分析结果显示,冬季浦东地区PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs主要受到垃圾焚烧源的影响,而夏季的污染来源主要是交通源.对居民的呼吸暴露量评估发现,冬夏季儿童暴露量明显高于成人,表明儿童更易受空气污染物的影响.成人和儿童的非致癌风险指数(HR)都小于 1,而致癌风险指数(CR)在 8.41×10-8~2.35×10-6 之间.在冬季,4个点位的CR略高于 1×10-6,存在潜在的致癌风险. [结论]浦东地区PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs的污染水平整体较低,但呈现明显的季节性特征.垃圾焚烧和交通源为浦东地区PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs主要污染源.虽然PM2.5 中PCDD/Fs对儿童和成人的致癌风险较低,但冬季某些点位存在一定风险,需要进一步监测和控制.
[Background]In the Global Burden of Disease research,it has been found that atmospheric fine particulate matter(PM2.5)pollution significantly harms human health.Currently,there is limited research on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/Fs)that exhibit high toxicity effects in PM2.5. [Objective]By studying the spatiotemporal distribution and variation characteristics of PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 in Pudong area of Shanghai,to assess the associated population health risk. [Methods]This study set up 28 sampling points in Pudong area.One sample of PM2.5 was collected during winter(February 2022)and summer(July 2022)at each site,with a sampling period lasting 24 h.The concentration of PM2.5 was measured by membrane filter method,and the content of 17 kinds of 2,3,7,8-substituted chlorinated PCDD/Fs in the samples was analyzed using isotope dilution.Seasonal variations(winter and summer)in the concentrations of PM2.5 and PCDD/Fs were evaluated,sources of PCDD/Fs pollution were tracing by principal component analysis,and health risks to the population from respiratory exposure to PCDD/Fs were estimated by VLIER-HUMAAN model. [Results]The PM2.5 concentrations in the 28 samples ranged from 10 to 126 μg·m-3,while the concentrations of PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 ranged from 58 to 2625 fg·m-3.The concentration of PM2.5 during winter(11-126 μg·m-3)was higher than that during summer(10-60 μg·m-3).The concentration range of PCDD/Fs in winter was from 58 to 2625 fg·m-3,which corresponded to a range of toxic equivalent quantity(WHO-TEQ)concentration from 2.99 to 40.97 fg·m-3 when taking World Health Organization's toxic equivalency factor(WHO-TEQ);the concentration range of PCDD/Fs in summer was from 72 to 446 fg·m-3,which corresponded to a range of WHO-TEQ concentration from 2.66 to 16.61 fg·m-3.This range in summer was significantly lower than that observed in winter.The results of principal component analysis revealed that waste incineration was the primary source of PCDD/Fs in winter PM2.5 in the area,whereas traffic emissions emerged as the main source in summer.The assessment of Pudong residents'respiratory exposure to PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 showed significantly higher exposure of children in summer and winter than that of adults,indicating higher susceptibility of children to air pollutants.Both the hazard ratios(HR)for children and adults were below 1,while the cancer risks(CR)ranged from 8.41×10-8 to 2.35×10-6.Notably,during winter,the CR at 4 locations slightly exceeds 1×10-6,indicating a potential carcinogenic risk. [Conclusion]The overall pollution level of PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 in Pudong area is relatively low,but it shows clear seasonal patterns.Waste incineration and traffic are the main sources of PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 in the area.Although the cancer risk of exposure to PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 for children or adults is relatively low,there is a certain risk at some locations in winter,necessitating additional monitoring and control.
上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203上海市检测中心,上海 201203
Pudongpolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuransexposure riskhealth riskfine particulate mattersource analysis
《环境与职业医学》 2024 (5)