Organization and Implementation Mechanism of Japan's Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program and Relevant References
2014 年设立的战略性创新创造(SIP)计划,是日本政府为克服部门分割弊端,强化其综合科技创新会议"指挥部"职能而推出的一项重要举措.通过对SIP计划组织管理架构以及最新改革实践进行分析梳理,总结了SIP计划在组织实施机制方面的主要特点,即强调中央政府"自上而下"的战略主导与组织协调、采用"技术+行政"的组合式管理模式、注重从基础研究到成果实际应用的"一气贯通"、注重发挥跨部门的协同作用、持续探索符合科技创新规律的组织实施模式等.最后,围绕进一步优化完善中国相关科技计划的组织实施与管理,提出了启示与经验借鉴.
Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program(SIP)launched by the Japanese government in 2014,is an important measure to overcome the shortcoming of science and technology resource segmentation across various departments and to strengthen the"headquarters"function of Japan's Council for Science,Technology and Innovation.Through the analysis and sorting of the organizational management structure and the latest reform practices of the SIP program,the main characteristics of the SIP program in terms of organization and implementation mechanism can be summarized,including emphasizing the central government's"top-down"strategic leadership and organizational coordination,adopting a combination of"technology+administration"management mode,emphasizing the"one-stop integration"from basic research to practical application of results,emphasizing cross departmental collaboration,and continuously exploring organization and implementation models that conform to the laws of scientific and technological innovation.Finally,inspirations and experience references were proposed to further optimize and improve the organization,implementation and management of relevant science and technology programs in China.
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JapanSIP programorganization and implementation mechanismscience and technology program management
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (4)