NQI International Cooperation Model Between United States and Southeast Asia
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的生效,为中国扩大对外开放提供了重要契机,利用区域合作增强中国在全球规则治理中的话语权,维护贸易和产业等利益至关重要.基于美国国家质量基础设施(National Quality Infrastructure,NQI)的国际合作战略,阐述了美国在东南亚地区实施"标准战略""创新战略"等的动机与成果,通过梳理美国在东南亚地区开展NQI领域国际合作历程,总结了美国以技术援助、平台建设、公私部门合力及巧用国际力量等加强自身在全球治理中的制规权与话语权的方式,并针对《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》生效后中国如何加强与东南亚地区开展NQI国际合作提出建议.
The RCEP agreement is an important opportunity for China's further opening up.It is becoming increasingly significant that China have a bigger voice in establishing global rules through regional cooperation so as to protect the interest of domestic industries and international trade.The paper focuses on the motivation and achievements of the United States in implementing the"standardization strategy"and"innovation strategy"in Southeast Asia under the framework of the U.S.NQI international cooperation strategy.By analyzing the history of NQI cooperation between the U.S.and Southeast Asia,the paper concludes that the United States strengthens its influence in global governance through technical assistance,platform construction,public and private departments cooperation and introduction of international organizations.Based on the analysis above,the paper provides suggestions on NQI international cooperation between China and Southeast Asia after the enforcement of the RCEP agreement.
广东省WTO/TBT通报咨询研究中心,广州 510000国家市场监督管理总局发展研究中心,北京 100820广东省WTO/TBT通报咨询研究中心,广州 510000
NQIsupervisioninfrastructureinternational cooperation
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (4)