Experimental investigation on aeration characteristics of artificial pooled stepped chutes with different vegetation densities
本研究通过在一个坡度为18.4°的矩形阶梯水槽,使用双头电阻式探针,系统测量了两种植被密度下人工阶梯深潭自上游清水区到下游掺气充分发展区的掺气特性.研究结果表明:与光滑台阶和阶梯深潭相比,植被阶梯深潭对掺气发生点的位置及水深几乎无影响,建立了掺气发生点水深的计算公式.断面平均空气浓度Ce在阶梯起点到与掺气发生点距离的 2.5 倍的区域内逐渐增加,之后达到恒定值;断面气泡个数最大值在阶梯起点到与掺气发生点距离的 4.0 倍的区域内逐渐增加,之后达到恒定值,这与断面平均掺气浓度的发展规律不相同;植被密度对气泡个数分布及演进变化规律几乎无影响.
The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of different vegetation densities on the aeration characteristics of artificial pooled stepped chutes.In this experiment,we investigate the behaviors of air water flows in a rectangular stepped pool,with a bottom slope of 18.4° and two vegetation densities,and the development from the upstream clear water region to the downstream fully developed region.Air contents are measured using a conductivity probe.Experimental results show that,compared with flat and pooled stepped,vegetation in a pooled stepped chute has nearly no influence on the location and water depth of the aeration incepting point,and a calculation formula for its water depth is derived.The cross-sectional average air concentration Ce increases gradually from the step start to 2.5 times the aeration point distance,and then reaches a constant.The maximum number of bubbles at the cross section increases gradually from the ladder start to 4.0 times the aeration point distance,and then reaches a constant,showing a different trend from that of air concentration.Vegetation density has little effect on bubble count distribution and evolution.
四川大学 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点试验室,成都 610065四川水利职业技术学院,成都 610065中国电建华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,杭州 310000大唐观音岩水电开发有限公司,成都 610065
pooled stepvegetationinception pointmean air concentrationbubble count
《水力发电学报》 2024 (006)
75-86 / 12