

Numerical simulation analysis of the hydrodynamic process of reservoir water leakage into a tunnel in karst area


[目的]隧道施工对地质环境造成扰动,尤其在岩溶区可能会诱发高位水库渗漏并引起库水涌入隧道的现象,需要针对这一过程的动力学解析或模拟.[方法]以重庆歇马隧道施工过程中大烂池水库渗漏引起的隧道大量涌水为案例,使用ModelMuse软件建立地下水流数值模型,采用Reservoir模块刻画水库的水位-库容变化,将水库渗漏通道概化为具有较高渗透性的强渗透带,利用PEST反演程序自动校准模型参数.[结果]结果显示:隧道涌水量模拟值与实测值拟合决定系数R2达到0.886 6,拟合效果较好,模拟实现了隧道涌水量激增的过程;地下水流场的平、剖面均反映了库水漏失涌入隧道的水动力场演化过程,也表现了随着隧道开挖、衬砌,库水位先降落后回升的变化趋势;水均衡分析表明水库总渗漏量的30%通过强渗透带进入隧道,也验证了隧道涌水对库水变化的滞后响应.[结论]结果表明,数值模拟可较好地反映库水涌入隧道的过程,为相似地质条件的隧道涌突水防治提供参考.

[Objective]Tunnel construction causes disturbance to the geological environment,especially in the karst area,which may induce the leakage of high-level reservoirs and cause the influx of reservoir water into the tunnel.However,It is necessary to conduct dynamic analysis or simulation for this hydrodynamic process.[Methods]In this paper,a large amount of water gushing in the tunnel caused by the leakage of Dalanchi Reservoir during the construction of Chongqing Xiema Tunnel is selected as a case study.The ModelMuse software is used to establish a numerical model of groundwater flow.The Reservoir package of MODFLOW is used to represent the water level-reservoir capacity-leakage change process.The leakage channel was generalized to be a strong permeable belt with high hydraulic conductivity.The model parameters were automatically calibrated by the PEST inversion pro-gram.[Results]The result show that The fitting coefficient R2 between the simulated value and the measured value of tunnel wa-ter inflow reaches 0.886 6,and the fitting effect is good.The simulation realizes the abrupt inflow process.Both plane and cross-section of the groundwater flow field reflects the variation of the groundwater dynamics of the reservoir water leakage into the tun-nel,and also show the change trend of the reservoir water level falling first and then rising with the tunnel excavation and lining.The result of water balance analysis reflect the proportion of tunnel water inflow in reservoir water leakage.The reservoir recharge aquifer accounts for 60%of the total leakage,and the supply of strong seepage zone into the tunnel accounts for 30%of the total leakage.At the same time,the lag response of tunnel water inflow to reservoir water change is verified.[Conclusion]The nu-merical simulation can better reflect the process of reservoir water inrush into the tunnel,and provide reference for the prevention and control of tunnel water inrush under similar geological conditions.


地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室(成都理工大学),四川成都 610059重庆市地下水资源利用与环境保护实验室,重庆 401147||重庆市地质矿产勘查开发局南江水文地质工程地质队,重庆 401147中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,四川成都 610031



karst areatunnel construtionreservoir leakagereservoir packagetunnelhydrodynamic processnumerical simulation

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (004)

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