

Response mechanism and ecological effects of plankton on the water environment of the Weihe River


[目的]为探究浮游生物对渭河陕西段水环境的响应机理及生态效应,[方法]以渭河陕西段为研究区,于2021年4月共设置14个采样点,采集14份水样,分析浮游生物群落结构空间分布特征;评估浮游生物群落的均匀性、物种丰富度和多样性时,常用Pielou指数、Margalef指数和Shannon-Weiner指数,并评价断面水环境质量;利用典范对应分析(CCA)和冗余分析(RDA)识别环境因子对浮游植物和浮游动物群落空间分布的影响程度.[结果]结果表明:渭河陕西段浮游植物共有7门55种,硅藻门种类数最多(49.09%),优势种有6种;浮游动物共3门22种,轮虫占比最高(68.18%),优势种有4种;浮游植物的H'、J及d变化范围分别为1.017~4.025、0.267~0.890、0.446~1.099,浮游动物其指数变化范围分别为 0.811~2.459、0.754~1.000、0.126~0.542;CCA分析显示,影响浮游植物群落空间分布变化的环境因子主要有TP、NH3-N和pH;根据RDA分析结果显示,对于浮游动物群落结构的主要影响因子,化学需氧量(COD)和水温(WT)起到了关键作用.[结论]结论显示:渭河陕西段浮游生物指数变化显示研究区域呈现清洁—中污染状态;根据《中国淡水藻类—系统、分类及生态》《环境和指示生物(水域分册)》中浮游植物和浮游动物的水污染指示物种判断水环境状况,对比本研究浮游植物和浮游动物的多样性指数评价水环境质量,得出浮游动物对水质评价的响应结果更加准确.通过构建水环境-浮游生物对比判断模型,选择区域更加准确的评价指标,有助于提高浮游生物对水生态环境指示作用的准确性,进而揭示浮游生物对水生态环境的响应机理.以上结果可为渭河流域水生态环境保护提供理论参考.

[Objective]In order to investigate the response mechanism and ecological effect of plankton on the water environment in the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River,[Methods]the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River was took as the study area and set up a total of 14 sampling points in April 2021,with a total of 14 water samples,to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of the plankton community structure;the Pielou index,Margalef index,and Shannon-Weiner index are commonly used to evalu-ate the uniformity,species richness,and diversity of the plankton community and to evaluate the environmental quality of the cross-section;and use canonical correspondence analysis(CCA)and redundancy analysis(RDA)to determine the extent to which environmental factors impact the geographic distribution of phytoplankton and zooplankton groups.[Results]The result showed that there were 7 phyla and 55 species of phytoplankton in the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River,with the largest num-ber of Bacillariophyta(49.09%)and 6 dominant species.There were 22 species of zooplankton in 3 phyla,with Rotifera ac-counting for the highest proportion(68.18%)and 4 dominant species.The Shannon-Weiner index(H'),Pielou index(J),and Margalef index(d)of phytoplankton ranged from 1.017 to 4.025,0.267 to 0.890,and 0.446 to 1.099,respectively.The indices of zooplankton ranged from 0.811 to 2.459,0.754 to 1.000,and 0.126 to 0.542,respectively.The primary environ-mental parameters influencing the spatial distribution of phytoplankton communities were found to be TP,NH3-N,and pH,according to the CCA analysis.The result based on RDA show that chemical oxygen demand(COD)and water temperature(WT)are the key environmental factors that have major effects on the community structure of zooplankton.[Conclusion]The conclusion showed that the change in plankton index in the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River showed that the study area was in a state of clean to medium pollution.According to the indicator species of phytoplankton and zooplankton in water pollution in Freshwater Algae in China:System,Classification,and Ecology and Environment and Indicator Organisms(Waters Sub-volume),the water environment quality was evaluated by comparing the diversity index of phytoplankton and zooplankton in this study,and the response of zooplankton to water quality assessment was more accurate.By constructing a comparison judgment model between the water environment and plankton and selecting more accurate evaluation indicators in the region,it is helpful to improve the accuracy of plankton's indicator effect on the water ecological environment and then reveal the response mechanism of plankton to the water ecological environment.The above result can provide a theoretical reference for water ecological environment protection in the Weihe River basin.


长安大学水利与环境学院,陕西西安 710054||长安大学旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710054中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,陕西西安 710065||陕西省河湖生态保护与修复"四主体一联合"工程技术研究中心,陕西西安 710065



phytoplanktonzooplanktonindicator identificationcommunity structurebiodiversitywater quality

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (004)

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