Comparison and analysis of maturity and yield of different soybean varieties(lines)in the cold region of South Xinjiang
大豆起源于我国,是我国重要的粮油兼用作物,大部分区域均有栽培.适宜新疆南疆地区种植的大豆品种较匮乏,为此,本研究拟利用 23 个育成品种(系)开展品种比较试验,以期筛选出生育期适宜、优质、高效、高产的品种或品系,为进一步挖掘优良大豆品种的生产潜力,进而在新疆南疆地区大面积推广种植提供选种思路.本试验从大豆的生育期、叶型、株高、荚数、抗倒伏、实收产量等性状指标进行调查和对比分析研究,从而得出适应当地环境和丰产性较优的大豆品种.品种比较试验结果表明,'新振豆8号''吉育86''新振豆14号''中黄30'品种的产量排名较前,其小区折合产量达到了5 125.00 kg·hm-2以上,远远高于我国平均单产水平.因此,这些品种从产量和生育期的角度均适合新疆南疆推广应用.
Soybean is an important grain and oil crop originated in China.It is cultivated in most areas.Soybean varieties suitable for planting in Southern Xinjiang are scarce.Therefore,in this study,23 approved varieties(lines)were uesd to carry out variety compar-ative experiments in order to screen out varieties or lines with suitable growth period,high quality,high efficiency and high yield.To further explore the production potential of excellent soybean varieties and provide seed selection ideas for large-scale promotion and planting in the Southern Xinjiang region.This study conducted an investigation and comparative analysis on soybean growth period,leaf shape,plant height,pod number,lodging resistance,actual harvest yield and other trait indicators.Thus,it can be concluded that soybean varieties with better adaptability to the local environment and high yield are better.The results of variety comparison test show that the yield of varieties such as'Xinzhendou 8''Jiyu 86''Xinzhendou 14'and'Zhonghuang 30'ranked higher,the plot yield reached more than 5 125.00 kg·hm-2,far higher than the average yield level in China.Therefore,these varieties are suitable for pro-motion and application in Southern Xinjiang from the perspectives of yield and growth period.
塔里木大学农学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300||南疆干旱区特色作物遗传改良与高效生产兵团重点试验室,新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学农学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300新疆天玉种业有限责任公司,新疆 拜城 842300
soybeanSouth Xinjiangmaturityyieldselection
《塔里木大学学报》 2024 (002)
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