

Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Vegetation Ecology and Its Meteorological Contribution in Guangdong Province


植被生态质量体现了植被的生产功能、多样性和服务功能,其变化受气象条件和人类活动的共同影响,科学地评估植被变化的气象条件贡献率对区域生态修复和应对气候变化具有重要的意义.以广东省为例,基于中国气象局发布的 NDVI、FVC、NPP和气象条件贡献率等数据,运用统计分析与空间分析方法,探讨了广东省植被生态质量的时空分布特征,并定量评估了气象条件对广东植被变化的贡献.结果表明:1)2001-2022 年,广东省的NDVI、FVC和NPP均呈波动上升变化,三者的年平均变化范围分别为 0.494-0.627、0.594-0.706和C 831-1.15×103 g∙m-2,多年平均值分别为 0.565、0.653 和C 976 g∙m-2,峰值分别出现于2016年(NPP)、2021年(NDVI)、2022年(FVC),谷值出现于2005年(NDVI、FVC)和2003年(NPP);2)空间上,广东省植被生态质量存在明显的区域差异,表现为粤北>粤东北>粤西>粤东>珠三角,其中阳江、肇庆、云浮、清远、韶关等城市植被生态质量较好,东莞、佛山较差;3)近20多年来气象条件对广东省植被生态质量变化的影响以正贡献为主,气象条件贡献率整体以-1.60×10-2/a的变化率呈波动下降趋势,气象条件对广东植被变化的影响总体变小;4)气象条件对粤北植被的影响以正向驱动为主,对粤东、粤西以负向驱动为主且对粤东的影响程度大于粤西,其中2007、2017-2018、2020-2022 年气象条件对广东植被生态质量变化影响以负贡献为主,2022 年呈高度负贡献.气象因素对广东植被生态质量变化的影响较大且存在明显的区域差异,在气象条件相对稳定的情况下,植被长势明显变好.

The ecological quality of vegetation,characterized by its productivity,biodiversity,and ecosystem services,was influenced by an interplay of meteorological fields and human activities.Conducting a scientifical evaluation of how meteorological fields contributed to changes in vegetation holds critical importance for advancing regional ecological restoration efforts and effectively addressing climate change challenges.Taking Guangdong Province as a case,this study explored the spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation ecological quality and its influence on meteorological fields.Based on the data of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI),Fractional Vegetation Cover(FVC),Net Primary Productivity(NPP),and the contribution rate of meteorological conditions provided by the China Meteorological Administration,the spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation ecological quality were investigated and the contribution of meteorological fields to the changes of vegetation in Guangdong was quantified.The results indicated that:1)from 2001 to 2022,the NDVI,FVC,and NPP in Guangdong demonstrated a trend of fluctuating growth,with the annual average ranges of 0.494-0.627,0.594-0.706,and C 831-1.15×103 g∙m-2,respectively.Meanwhile,the multi-annual average values for NDVI,FVC,and NPP were 0.565,0.653,and C 976 g∙m-2,respectively.Additionally,peaks in these indices occurred in 2016(NPP),2021(NDVI),and 2022(FVC),while the lowest points were in 2005(NDVI and FVC)and 2003(NPP).2)Spatial analysis revealed distinct regional distribution patterns of vegetation ecological quality across Guangdong Province as follows:northern Guangdong>northeastern Guangdong>western Guangdong>eastern Guangdong>Pearl River Delta.Notably,cities such as Yangjiang,Zhaoqing,Yunfu,Qingyuan,and Shaoguan exhibited superior vegetation ecological quality,whereas Dongguan and Foshan were characterized by comparatively lower quality.3)Over the past 22 years,meteorological fields had predominantly exerted a positive influence on the ecological quality of vegetation in Guangdong.The overall contribution rate of meteorological fields displayed a fluctuating downward trend,with a rate of decline at-1.60×10-2/a per annum,indicating a general decrease in the impact of meteorological fields on vegetation changes in Guangdong.4)In northern Guangdong,meteorological fields had predominantly positively impacted vegetation,whereas in eastern and western Guangdong,these fields had generally led to negative trends.The impact of meteorological fields on vegetation changes in eastern Guangdong was more pronounced in western Guangdong.In 2007,2017,2018,and 2020-2022,the impact of meteorological fields on the vegetation ecological quality across Guangdong was predominantly negative,and was most detrimental in 2022.The impact of meteorological fields on the vegetation ecological quality in Guangdong was significant,with notable differences across various regions,and the vegetation growth improved significantly under relatively stable meteorological fields.


广州气象卫星地面站,广东 广州 510640广州气象卫星地面站,广东 广州 510640广州气象卫星地面站,广东 广州 510640广州气象卫星地面站,广东 广州 510640广州气象卫星地面站,广东 广州 510640



vegetationvegetation ecological qualitycontribution rate of meteorological conditionsMODISspatiotemporal distributionGuangdong Province

《生态环境学报》 2024 (5)



