Effect of transcranial ultrasound stimulation on upper limb motor function in patients with ischemic stroke
探讨经颅超声刺激(TUS)对缺血性脑卒中患者上肢运动的功能影响.首先,根据数字表法随机抽取分为试验组 30例和对照组 30例.其次,比较两组治疗前后Fugl-Meyer运动功能评测-上肢部分(FMA-UE)、偏瘫上肢功能测试-香港版(FTHUE-HK)、动作活动记录量表(MAL).最后,治疗 4、8周后,两组FMA-UE评分、FTHUE-HK分级、MAL-AOU 评分、MAL-QOM 评分均高于治疗前,试验组高于对照组(P<0.05).TUS 可明显改善缺血性脑卒中患者上肢运动功能,促进患者康复,值得临床应用.
Explore the effect of transcranial ultrasound stimulation(TUS)on upper limb motor function in patients with ischemic stroke.Firstly,according to the number table method,30 cases were randomly selected and divided into an experimental group and a control group of 30 cases.Secondly,compare the Fugl Meyer Motor Function Assessment-Upper Limb Part(FMA-UE),Hemiplegic Upper Limb Function Test-Hong Kong Version(FTHUE-HK),and Motor Activity Recording Scale(MAL)before and after treatment between the two groups.Finally,after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment,the FMA-UE score,FTHUE-HK grade,MAL-AOU score,and MAL-QOM score of both groups were higher than before treatment,while the experimental group was higher than the control group(P<0.05).TUS can significantly improve upper limb motor function in patients with ischemic stroke,promote patient recovery,and is worthy of clinical application.
徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003徐州医科大学附属徐州康复医院,江苏徐州 221003||徐州医科大学徐州临床医学院/徐州市中心医院,江苏徐州 221009
Transcranial ultrasound stimulationUpper limb motor functioncerebral ischemic stroke
《现代科学仪器》 2024 (3)