Study on Gender Differences in the Career Growth Trajectory of Scientific Researchers
[目的/意义]性别差异问题在科研人员队伍中普遍存在,对科研人员职业生涯成长轨迹中的性别差异进行研究对于制定人才培养和成长政策具有重要意义.[方法/过程]本研究以 2018-2022 年图书馆、情报与文献学学科国家社科基金一般项目的负责人为研究对象,对 379 名科研人员的履历信息进行编码处理,采用生存分析法研究了科研人员职业生涯成长轨迹中的性别差异及影响因素.[结果/结论]研究发现,图情档学科科研人员获得国家社科一般项目支持的群体中高级职称的占比男性较高于女性,其他无显著差异.Kaplan-Meier分析表明,科研人员职业生涯成长过程中存在着显著的性别差异,男性科研人员的成长速度在总体上要快于女性.Cox分析结果表明,年龄在各个阶段对男性和女性的生存风险均有降低作用,会延缓科研人员的成长;机构流动经历会增加男性科研人员在副高阶段的生存风险,会加快其职称晋升速度;国外留学访学经历会增加女性科研人员在正高阶段的生存风险从而加快在该阶段的成长.研究结果为改善科研人员的性别差异提供一定的启示.
[Purpose/Significance]The issue of gender differences is common among researchers,and studying the gender differences in the career growth trajectory of researchers is of great significance for formulating talent cultivation and growth policies.[Method/Process]This study focused on the general project leader of the National Social Science Founda-tion for Library,Information and Literature Science from 2018 to 2022.The resume information of 379 researchers was en-coded and processed,and survival analysis was used to study gender differences and influencing factors in the career growth trajectory of researchers.[Result/Conclusion]Research has found that the proportion of senior professional titles among re-searchers in the field of library,information,and archives management who receive support from general national social science projects is higher in males than in females,with no significant difference in other areas.Kaplan Meier analysis shows that there are significant gender differences in the career growth process of researchers,with male researchers gener-ally growing faster than female researchers.The Cox analysis results indicate that age has a reducing effect on the survival risk of both males and females at all stages,which can delay the growth of researchers;The experience of institutional mob-ility will increase the survival risk of male researchers in the secondary high stage and accelerate their promotion speed of professional titles;The experience of studying abroad and visiting universities can increase the survival risk of female re-searchers in the high stage,thereby accelerating their growth in that stage.The research findings provide some insights for improving gender differences among researchers.
华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079武汉工商学院电子商务学院,湖北 武汉 430065
scientific research personnelgrowth trajectorygender differenceCV analysissurvival analysisCox proportional hazard analysis
《现代情报》 2024 (7)