Value of general anesthesia induction with different doses of remimazolam onelderly patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery
目的:分析不同剂量瑞马唑仑全麻诱导在老年腹腔手术患者中的应用价值.方法:选 130 例患者随机分为第 1组(n=43)、第 2组(n=43)、第 3组(n=44),均采用瑞马唑仑行全麻诱导,分别静注 0.2/0.3/0.4mg/kg.比较两组相关指标差异.结果:第 1 组的瑞马唑仑补救例数较第 2、3 组高(P<0.05);第 1 组的诱导开始至BIS≤60的时间>第 2组>第 3组(P<0.05);气管插管后即刻、气管插管后 5min,第 1组血浆NE、E、Cor水平均较第 2、3组高(P<0.05);气管插管后 5min,第1组HR、MAP均较第 2、3组高(P<0.05);第 3组不良反应发生率高于第1、2组(P<0.05).结论:0.3mg/kg是瑞马唑仑用于老年腹腔镜手术患者全麻诱导的适宜剂量.
Objective:To analyze the application value ofgeneral anesthesia induction with different doses of remimazolam onelderly patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery.Methods:130 patients wererandomlydivided into group 1(n=43),group 2(n=43),and group 3(n=44).All three groups were given general anesthesia induction withintravenou-sinjection ofremimazolam at the doses of 0.2,0.3 and 0.4mg/kg respectively.The differences in related indicatorswere compared among the three groups.Results:The number of cases with remimazolam remedy in group 1 was higher than that in groups 2 and 3(P<0.05).The time from the beginning of induction to BIS≤60 was shown as group 1>group 2>group 3(P<0.05).The levels of plasmaNE,E and Cor in group 1 were higher than those in group 2 and group 3 immediately aftertracheal intubation and at 5min aftertracheal intubation(P<0.05).At 5min after tracheal intubation,the HR and MAP in group 1 were higher than those groups 2 and 3(P<0.05).The incidencerates of adverse reactions in group 3were higher comapred with those in group 1 and group 2(P<0.05).Conclusion:0.3mg/kgof remimazolam is the appropriate dose for general anesthesia induction in elderly patients with laparoscopic surgery.
宣城市中心医院麻醉科,安徽宣城 242000宣城市中心医院麻醉科,安徽宣城 242000宣城市中心医院麻醉科,安徽宣城 242000
Laparoscopic surgeryElderly patientsRemimazolamDifferent dosesStress responseHemodynamics
《现代科学仪器》 2024 (3)