Cooling Design and Temperature Field Analysis of Radial-axial Magnetic Bearings
Due to the advantages of the noncontact mechanism and adjustable support stiffness,the loss of magnetic bearings is low in small power class motor environment,and natural cooling can be adopted.For higher power class motors,the loss of magnetic bearings increases,necessitating the consideration of a cooling design.Taking the magnetic bearings of a megawatt-level HSPMG as the research object,considering the integrated state of radial and axial magnetic bearings and the actual internal environment of generator,the characteristics of temperature field of radial and axial magnetic bearings under natural cooling condition are studied based on fluid thermal coupling analysis.The result shows that the temperature of magnetic bearings is fairly high,and the stator and rotor of radial magnetic bearing have large thermal deformation,increasing the risk of safe operation.To solve the problem,considering the environment of motor and the structure of magnetic bearings,an integrated active cooling scheme is proposed,and the heat-flow field coupling simulation of the scheme is carried out.The result shows that the temperature of magnetic bearings decrease significantly,and the change of air gap of radial magnetic bearing is greatly reduced.Finally,the temperature rise test of the generator is carried out,and the test results are consistent with the simulation results.
舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点试验室(海军工程大学),湖北省 武汉市 430033舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点试验室(海军工程大学),湖北省 武汉市 430033舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点试验室(海军工程大学),湖北省 武汉市 430033
magnetic bearingsintegrated state3-D temperature filed analysiscooling design
《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (12)
国家自然科学基金(面上项目)(52077217). Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(General Program)(52077217).