Integrated Flux Closed Loop Control Technology for Monostable Permanent Magnet Contactor
In this paper,an integrated flux closed-loop control scheme for a monostable permanent magnet contactor is proposed for the first time,considering that the existing control schemes have defects such as high cost,low reliability and difficulty in optimization.First,the special integrated power chip used in the field of motor drive is applied to the intelligent control of the permanent magnet contactor,and its integrated drive circuit is designed.On the basis of integrated drive circuit,the total flux of the contactor is directly controlled by the flux closed-loop.Therefore,in the closing process,by simply setting a small constant reference flux value,it can automatically achieve the flux weakening control to prevent serious contact bouncing caused by excessive permanent magnetic force at the end of closing process.Finally,in the breaking process,setting the reference value of the total flux to zero allows the electromagnetic flux linkage to counteract the permanent magnet flux linkage in real-time,thus avoiding a decrease in the breaking speed caused by residual suction,and ultimately improving the closing performance.The scheme proposed in this paper not only simplifies the hardware control circuit of the monostable permanent magnet contactor,but also reduces the difficulty of its optimal control,which is of great significance to the popularization of high-performance permanent magnet contactors.
智能配电网装备福建省高校工程研究中心(福州大学电气工程与自动化学院),福建省 福州市 350108智能配电网装备福建省高校工程研究中心(福州大学电气工程与自动化学院),福建省 福州市 350108
permanent magnet contactorintegrated driveflux closed-loopflux weakening control
《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (12)
福建省自然科学基金项目(2021J01634). Project Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2021J01634).