

Distribution Optimization Method for Power Environment-Friendly Mixed Insulation Gas


目前电力系统环保型SF6/CF4 混合绝缘气体在GIS设备上的配气成本较高,现场选择过充SF6 气体以保证其绝缘和灭弧性能,不符合使用该混合气体以实现环保和防液化的目的.为此,提出了基于单一质量流量控制器的环保型SF6/CF4 混合绝缘气体分时段交替配气优化方法.通过分时段交替配气即时混匀技术,分析并优化了源于共用气路管道残余气体导致的配气误差,研究了SF6 气体输出时间修正技术及最末时段时间再分配方法,进一步降低了充入气体混合比误差.模拟实验表明,该方法的即时混合比与 24h后混合比相对于目标值偏差均小于±0.5 个百分点,符合DL/T 2243-2021标准要求.

The state-of-art cost of environmental-friendly SF6/CF4 mixed insulating gas of GIS equipment in the power system is relatively high.In order to ensure its insulation and arc extinguishing performance,SF6 gas is overfilled on site,which is not in line with the purpose of using the mixed gas to achieve environmental protection and prevent liquefaction.Therefore,an optimized method of timed alternate gas blending for environmental-friendly SF6/CF4 mixed insulating gas based on a single mass flow controller is proposed.Through the timed alternate gas blending and instant mixing technology,the gas blending error caused by residual gas in the shared gas pipeline is analyzed and optimized.The SF6 gas output time correction technology and the time reallocation method for the last period are studied,further reducing the error in the mixing ratio of the filled gas.Simulation experiments show that the deviation of the instantaneous mixing ratio and the mixing ratio after 24 hours from the target value is less than±0.5%,which meets the requirements of DL/T 2243-2021 standard.


国网青海省电力公司超高压公司,青海西宁 810000国网青海省电力公司超高压公司,青海西宁 810000国网青海省电力公司超高压公司,青海西宁 810000国网青海省电力公司超高压公司,青海西宁 810000国网青海省电力公司超高压公司,青海西宁 810000

SF6/CF4 混合气体分时段交替配气混合比误差控制即时混匀

SF6/CF4 mixed gasalternately inflated by timemixing ratio error controlmix instantly

《中国电力》 2024 (6)


国网青海省电力公司科技项目(52282121N004). This work is supported by Science and Technology Project of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company(No.52282121N004).

