

Thromboelastography combined with conventional coagulation indices in the detection of endogenous heparin in pa-tients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever


目的 应用血栓弹力图(thromboelastography,TEG)联合常规凝血指标(conventional coagulation tests,CCTs)检测流行性出血热(epidemic hemorrhagic fever,EHF)患者内源性肝素物质,探讨TEG联合CCTs对该类患者凝血功能异常的检测价值,为临床治疗提供指导依据.方法 对35 名EHF患者分别在轻/中症期、重症期和恢复期进行APTT、TT、血栓弹力图普通杯R值和血栓弹力图肝素酶杯R值检测.使用Friedman方差分析进行统计学处理.结果 EHF轻症病例的R值和肝素杯R值均数为 7.5 和 6.7,恢复期病例的TT、R值和肝素酶杯R值分别为16.9、6.2 和 6.1,轻症病例的普通杯R值和肝素酶杯R值,以及恢复期病例的TT、R值和肝素酶杯R值均为正态分布,其余均为非正态分布.EHF患者在不同疾病进展期APTT、TT的变化,具有统计学差异(P<0.05),同时患者的血栓弹力图R值(凝血反应时间)也显示在轻中症、重症和恢复期的差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),与轻中症期相比,重症期的APTT、TT和R值延长,说明患者凝血功能继续降低;在轻中度、重度和恢复期,EHF 患者的R值减去肝素酶杯R值的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),重症期内源性肝素样物质的残留积累高于轻中症和恢复期.结论 EHF患者在不同疾病进展期APTT、TT和R值的变化具有显著性差异,TEG联合CCTs检测显示内源性肝素样物质的蓄积是可能导致EHF患者凝血功能紊乱的重要原因之一.采用TEG与CCTs组合检测的方法可以及时发现内源性肝素样物质的累积,为临床医师采取有针对性的治疗方案提供实验室依据.

Objective To detect endogenous heparin substance in patients with epidemic haemorrhagic fever(EHF)u-sing thromboelastography(TEG)combined with conventional coagulation indices(CCTs),explore the value of TEG com-bined with CCTs in detecting coagulation function abnormalities in such patients,aiming at providing guidance for clinical treatment.Methods APTT,TT,TEG plain cup R value and TEG heparinase cup R value were tested in 35 EHF patients of mild/moderate stage,severe stage and recovery stage.Intergroup differences were analysed using Friedman ANOVA.Re-sults The mean R and heparin cup R values were 7.5 and 6.7 for mild cases of EHF,and TT,R and heparinase cup R values were 16.9,6.2 and 6.1 for recovering cases,respectively.The normal cup R and heparinase cup R values for mild ca-ses,as well as the TT,R and heparinase cup R values for recovering cases,were normally distributed,and the rest were non-normally distributed.Changes in APTT and TT in EHF patients at different stages were significantly different(P<0.05).The patients'TEG R-values(coagulation reaction time)also showed statistically significant differences in mild-mod-erate,severe and recovery periods(P<0.05).Prolonged APTT,TT and R values in the severe phase compared to the mild-moderate phase indicated that the patient's coagulation function continued to decrease.The difference of R-values minus the heparanase cup R-values in EHF patients was statistically significant in the mild-moderate,severe,and recovery phases(P<0.05).Residual accumulation of endogenous heparin-like substances was higher in the severe phase than in the mild-mod-erate and recovery phases.Conclusion Patients with EHF exhibit significant differences in the values of APTT,TT and R at different stages of the disease.The combined detection using TEG and CCTs indicates that the accumulation of endogenous heparin-like substances is one of the most important causes of coagulation disorders in patients with EHF.The combination of TEG and CCTs can detect the accumulation of endogenous heparin-like substances in patients with EHF,which can provide a laboratory basis for clinicians to adopt targeted therapeutic regimen.


陕西蒲城县医院,陕西 蒲城 715500南方医科大学南方医院



epidemic haemorrhagic fever(EHF)thromboelastography(TEG)conventional coagulation tests(CCTs)endogenous heparin-like substances

《中国输血杂志》 2024 (6)



