

Preliminary study on abundance-deficiency index of soil nitrogen and appropriate N application rates for grapes in China


为建立我国葡萄测土推荐施肥系统,本研究检索了我国葡萄施氮的相关文献,提取土壤有机质、全氮和碱解氮含量,缺氮处理和施氮处理的产量数据,采用作物土壤养分丰缺指标推荐施肥系统研究新方法,研究了我国葡萄土壤氮素丰缺指标与适宜施氮量.结果表明:我国葡萄土壤有机质第1~8级丰缺指标依次为≥75、36~75、17~36、8~17、4~8、2~4、1~2和<1 g/kg,土壤碱解氮第1~8级丰缺指标依次为≥288、158~288、87~158、48~87、26~48、15~26、8~15和<8 mg/kg.当氮肥利用率为30%~50%、葡萄目标产量15.0~60.0 t/hm2时,氮素丰缺级别第1~8级土壤适宜施氮量分别为0、14~90、27~180、41~270、54~360、68~450、81~540和95~630 kg/hm2.本研究初步建立了我国葡萄土壤氮素丰缺指标推荐施肥系统,可为我国葡萄测土施氮提供依据.

To lay a theoretical basis for grapes soil testing and fertilizer recommendation in China,this study retrieved literature on grapes N fertilization in China,extracted the data of soil organic matter(SOM),total nitrogen,alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen(SAHN),as well as the yield for N deficiency and N application treatments.A new study method for recommended fertilization system of crop based on soil nutrient abundance and deficiency index(ADI)were employed to investigate the ADI of soil nitrogen and the appropriate N application rates(ANAR)for grapes in China.The results showed that:The ADI of SOM for the 1st to 8th level were ≥75,36-75,17-36,8-17,4-8,2-4,1-2 and<1 g/kg,respectively;The ADI of SAHN for grapes in China for the 1st to 8th level were ≥288,158-288,87-158,48-87,26-48,15-26,8-15 and<8 mg/kg,respectively;When the N fertilizer utilization efficiency was 30%-50%,and the yield target of grapes was 15.0-60.0 t/hm2,the ANAR for the soil N abundance and deficiency levels of from 1st to 8th were 0,14-90,27-180,41-270,54-360,68-450,81-540 and 95-630 kg/hm2,respectively.This study established the system of recommended N application rates for grapes in China based on ADI of soil nitrogen and provided scientific basis for soil testing and N fertilizer recommendation of grapes in China.


中国农业大学草业科学与技术学院,北京 100193山东良土生物科技有限公司,山东齐河 251100



Chinagrapessoil testing and fertilizer recommendationalkaline hydrolysis nitrogentotal nitrogenorganic matterabundance-deficiency indexfertilizer application rate

《中国农业大学学报》 2024 (007)

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