

Advances in the Application of Interrupted Time Series Analysis in Health Policy Assessment in China


目的 归纳总结间断时间序列分析在我国卫生政策评估中的应用进展、发展趋势.方法 分别检索PubMed、Web of science和中国期刊全文数据库的相关文献,采用系统综述的方法进行分析,文献筛选遵循PRISMA准则.结果 共纳入89 篇文献进行研究,我国研究者主要使用间断时间序列分析评估新医改政策,模型主要使用单组间断时间序列模型,回归模型主要使用分段回归模型,结局变量主要选择药占比和住院费用,自相关检验或校正方法主要选择杜宾-沃森检验.结论 间断时间序列分析在我国卫生政策评估中呈现评估卫生政策多样化和结局变量在多类型卫生政策评估中广泛应用的趋势,但部分研究设计尚存在不足之处.

Objective To summarize the application progress and development trend of interrupted time series analysis in health policy assessment in China.Methods Relevant literatures in PubMed,Web of science and CNKI were retrieved respectively,and the method of systematic review was adapted for analysis.Besides,PRISMA criteria was followed to screen literatures in this study.Results A total of 89 literatures were included for research.After numerous analyses,we found that interrupted time series analysis was mainly used to assess new medical reform policies in China.And single-group interrupted time series analysis and segmented regression model were the main models being used in these researches.In addition,there was also the evidence showing that proportion of drugs and hospitalization expenses were the main outcome variables.Researchers often used Durbin-Watson test to detect the autocorrelation in their studies.Conclusion Interrupted time series analysis being used in studies shows a trend of the diversification of health policy,and it also shows that outcome variables are widely used in multi-type health policy assessment in China.However,some research designs still have deficiencies.


北京大学医药管理国际研究中心,北京 100191



Interrupted time series analysisHealth policyPolicy assessmentSystematic reviews

《中国药物经济学》 2024 (005)

14-20,29 / 8

