Verification and Application of Disinfection Effect of Five Disinfectants on the Environmental Isolated Bacteria from Microbiology Laboratories
研究 5 种消毒剂对微生物实验室环境分离菌的消杀效果,为微生物实验室合理有效地使用消毒剂提供依据.采用悬液定量杀菌试验法,观察 75%乙醇、70%异丙醇、2 g·L-1 新洁尔灭、400 mg·L-1 84 消毒液和过氧化氢银离子消毒剂(4.5%H2O2、80 mg·L-1Ag+)对微生物实验室环境分离菌的杀灭效果.结果表明:75%乙醇、70%异丙醇、2 g·L-1 新洁尔灭和 400 mg·L-1 84 消毒液作用 2 min,对细菌繁殖体的杀灭对数值均大于 5.00,达到消毒合格的要求.过氧化氢银离子消毒剂(4.5%H2O2、80 mg·L-1 Ag+)作用 60 min,对真菌的杀灭对数值大于 4.00,对巨大芽孢杆菌的杀灭对数值大于 5.74,达到消毒合格要求;对枯草芽孢杆菌的杀灭对数值为 2.36,未达到消毒合格要求.综上分析,环境分离菌更能真实地反映实验室微生物污染情况.实验室应根据环境监测数据,进行消毒剂效能验证,依据效能验证结果,合理地筛选和轮换使用至少 2 种以上的消毒剂.
The study the germicidal efficacy of five chemical disinfectants on the environmental isolated bacteria from the microbiology laboratory could provide a basis for the rational and effective use of disinfectants in the microbiology laboratories.The suspension quantitative germicidal test was used to observe the germicidal efficacy of 75%ethanol,70%isopropanol,2 g·L-1 benzalkonium bromide,400 mg·L-1 84-aerosol and hydrogen peroxide silver ion disinfectant(4.5%H2O2,80 mg·L-1 Ag+)on the environmental isolated bacteria from microbiology laboratory.The results showed that the killing logarithm values of bacterial propagules exposed to 75%ethanol,70%isopropanol,2 g·L-1 benzalkonium bromide and 400 mg·L-1 84-aerosol for 2 min were all greater than 5.00,which met the requirements of qualified disinfection.When the hydrogen peroxide silver ion disinfectant(4.5%H2O2,80 mg·L-1 Ag+)was used for 60 min,the killing log values of fungi were greater than 4.00,and the killing log values of Bacillus megatherium was greater than 5.74,which met the requirements of qualified disinfection,while the killing log values of Bacillus subtilis was 2.36,which did not meet the requirements of qualified disinfection.In summary,the bacteria isolated from the environment could more truly reflect the microbial contamination in the laboratory.It was suggested that the laboratory should verify the efficacy of disinfectants based on the environmental monitoring data.According to the results of efficacy verification,at least two or more disinfectants should be reasonably screened and used in rotation.
福建省微生物研究所,福建 福州 350000
Environmental isolated bacteriaSuspension quantitative germicidal testDisinfectantEfficiency
《福建农业科技》 2024 (004)
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