

Screening of New High-quality Edible Sweet Potato Varieties Suitable for Planting in Fuqing City


为筛选出适宜福清市种植的优质甘薯品种,于 2023 年引进 10 个优质食用型甘薯新品种,以当地主栽品种广薯 87 作为对照,开展筛选试验.结果表明:泉薯 19 丰产性好,产量位居第 1 位,结薯集中,单株结薯数多,薯块大小均匀,薯身光滑,食味品质优;莆薯 12 丰产性好,产量位居第 2 位,结薯集中,单株结薯数较多,薯块较大,商品薯率、干物率和淀粉率高;龙薯 601 丰产性好,产量位居第 3 位,结薯集中,单株结薯数较多,薯块大小中等,商品薯率较高,食味品质较优;以上 3 个品种综合表现突出,可进一步在福清市扩大示范;福宁紫 5 号丰产性较好,结薯集中,薯块整齐、大小均匀,食味品质良好;普薯 32 和榕紫薯 1 号虽较对照减产,但薯块大小均匀,薯身光滑,商品薯率、干物率和淀粉率较高,食用品质较优;以上 3 个品种综合表现较好,建议继续开展田间试验.

In order to screen out the high-quality sweet potato varieties suitable for being planted in Fuqing City,10 new edible sweet potato varieties with high quality were introduced in 2023,and the local main cultivated variety Guangshu 87 was used as the control for the screening experiments.The results showed that Quanshu 19 had high yield,ranking the first in yield,with the concentrated growth of tubers,a larger number of tubers growing in a single plant,uniform size of tubers,smooth body,and excellent quality of taste.Pushu 12 had high yield,ranking the second in yield,with the concentrated growth of tubers,a larger number of tubers growing in a single plant,larger size of tubers,and higher commercial potato rate,dry matter content and starch content.Longshu 601 had high yield,ranking the third in yield,with the concentrated growth of tubers,a larger number of tubers growing in a single plant,moderate size of tubers,high commercial potato rate and excellent quality of taste.The comprehensive performance of the above three varieties was outstanding,and the demonstration base of them could be further expanded in Fuqing City.Funingzi No.5 had high yield,with the concentrated growth of tubers,neat tubers,uniform size of tubers,and excellent quality of taste.Although the yield of Pushu 32 and Rongzishu No.1 was lower than that of the control,the size of tubers was uniform,the tuber body was smooth,the commercial potato rate,dry matter content and starch content were higher,and the edible quality of taste was better.The comprehensive performance of the above three varieties was better,and it was recommended to continue carrying out the field experiments.


福建省福清市乡村振兴发展中心,福建 福清 350300



Sweet potatoHigh-quality edible typeVariety comparisonMain traitsYield

《福建农业科技》 2024 (004)

73-78 / 6

